Centrifugal pumps for watering the garden

To choose a suitable pumping system, its power and the necessary characteristics, one should understand the principle of operation of a particular model and clearly set the mode of use. Centrifugal pumps for watering the garden can work both from a well and a pond. How the water is supplied, and for what purpose this species is suitable, we will consider below.

What are centrifugal pumps for watering in the country?

So, first of all, let's get acquainted with how exactly this type is arranged and how it works. From the title it is clear that the work is carried out at the expense of centrifugal force. It occurs when the power and operation of the wheel. The wheel is connected to the shaft, and with the beginning of the rotation of the blade on the wheel, conditions are created for raising the liquid and entering it through the pipes. That is why this type of pump is effective even at a depth of 15 m, and the head during the water supply is much stronger than the other types.

It is thanks to the principle of the action of household centrifugal pumps that they are considered to be the most effective solution for irrigation, if it is necessary to obtain a strong head for a large area of ​​the earth. And you can use the centrifugal force both on the surface and under water. It all depends on the design of the pump.

We select domestic centrifugal pumps for irrigation

First, let's decide which water body or source you are going to pump water from. This will directly affect the choice of design. Two variants are distinguished:

  1. When we are looking for pumps for watering a pond or a similar water body, the choice is stopped on the centrifugal surface models for the garden. Such units are much cheaper, and installation is much easier. The only thing that should be taken into account: in the cold season, the pump should be installed in a room where there will be enough heat. All this is true provided that the work is carried out at a depth of about 8-10 meters.
  2. If the task is to find pumps for irrigation from the well, surface centrifugal models for the garden are not suitable here. In this case, only submersible systems are used . The depth of the well is known and you only need to choose a model based on this parameter. But to do without the help of specialists will be more difficult, since it will be necessary to lower not only the unit itself, but also the power cable. And in this case, waterproofing is more important than ever.

Otherwise, the choice of centrifugal pumps is to select the right characteristics for watering the garden. For example, the power will depend on the required amount of water, whether it is water only for watering or providing a home.

It is important to take into account the safety of the work in choosing a model. To do this, we are looking for a model that is capable of working at a depth slightly greater than the depth of the well. Otherwise, the unit will have to constantly be at the limit of its forces.

And of course, when choosing a submersible model, it is worthwhile knowing in advance the diameter of the sludge pipe. You will have to relate the dimensions of the pump and the diameter, and after that you will select the model you need, taking into account other characteristics.

And at the end of the talk about centrifugal pumps we will walk through their advantages for watering the garden: