The baby has a stomach ache - what should I do?

Any disturbances in the well-being of the child cause anxiety in the mother. Often children of different age groups may complain of pain in the abdomen. At once it should be noted that they can be caused by different reasons. Responsible parents should understand that only a doctor will make an accurate diagnosis, so do not self-medicate. But still it is useful to know what can be helped if the child has a stomach ache.


They are the cause of poor well-being of many babies and can bother the crumb for a long time. There are colic from the fact that the air enters the intestine, and also because of some errors in the nutrition of the mother. Therefore, after giving birth, a woman should avoid foods that increase gas production, and you need to monitor your diet.

If the baby has colic, then you can help him in the following ways:

Bacterial infection

The cause of malaise can serve as pathogenic bacteria that have fallen into the children's body.

One of these diseases is salmonella. Its causative agent is transmitted through dirty hands, household items, food.

The severity of the course of the disease depends on the age, health status. In addition to abdominal pain, fever and vomiting are noted. A little later, diarrhea begins (up to 10 times a day). If at the time of not starting treatment, then the ailment can lead to death. If a child has a stomach ache due to salmonellosis, then the doctor should tell him how to treat it. Usually, sorbents are assigned, for example, to Smektu. To avoid dehydration, give "Regidron". Also, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Another infectious disease that you should know about is dysentery. At her children complain of painful sensations in the left part of the abdomen. The chair is liquid, with mucus, with bloody veins. All these symptoms are accompanied by signs of intoxication of the body.

If dysentery is the reason that the child has a stomach ache, then you can give sorbents and "Regidron", as in salmonellosis. The disease is also treated with antibiotics. The doctor can recommend immunomodulators, vitamins. Also, a child should follow a diet and know what it can eat if the stomach hurts. You can feed your baby with porridge, baked apples.

Acetonemic crisis

This condition can occur in children as a result of increasing the level of ketone bodies in the body. The child will complain of discomfort in the tummy, his temperature will rise, vomiting and the smell of acetone from his mouth will appear.

Mom may have a question, what to give to a child, if his stomach hurts because of an acetonemic crisis. Sorbents will come to the rescue again. Suitable "Smecta", "Polysorb", activated charcoal. You can make an enema.

Acute abdomen

This concept includes several diseases that are characterized by acute pain and tension of the abdominal wall. In childhood, appendicitis is most common, intestinal obstruction is still possible. If suspected of an acute abdomen, you need to call an ambulance, since these diseases require surgical intervention.

Parents can think about what to anesthetize, if the child has a strong stomachache. But in such a situation it is very important that the doctor be able to objectively assess the patient's condition. Therefore, you should not give your baby any pain medication before the doctor comes. You can take "No-Shpu".