Rassolnik with kidneys

Rassolnik - hot liquid first dish, cooked on a cucumber-based sour-salted basis. Finally, this dish appeared and became widespread in Russian cuisine only in the middle of the XIX century. Let's learn today how to prepare a tasty salmon with kidneys.

Recipe for pickle with kidney



Kidneys cleaned from the film and soak for 6 hours, while changing the water several times. Then boil them for 35 minutes over a small fire. We cut the prepared kidneys into slices and set aside for the time being. At the same time, pour boiling water over the pearl barley and insist for about half an hour. Bulb and carrots grind and pass on the oil until golden brown. Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices.

Pickled cucumbers on a large grater and fry in a pan until the liquid evaporates completely. Now take the pot, pour into it 2 liters of boiling water, add the kidneys and pearl barley. Cook for 15 minutes, and then throw all the other ingredients and cook until done. After that, we spread the pickle with the pearl barley with the kidneys on plates, fill it with sour cream if desired, and serve it to the table.

Classic recipe of pickle with kidneys



Kidneys are cleaned from the fat membrane and membranes. For this, we make a small longitudinal incision on one side and remove the film together with the fat. Then cut them along into 2 parts and stand in a weak salt solution for about 4 hours, often changing the water. After that, wash the kidneys in running water and dry on a towel. Now put them in a saucepan, pour cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and change the water. Cook at low boil for about an hour until ready.

Next, the buds are washed and cut into thin slices, and the decoction is filtered through gauze. From the salted cucumbers cut carefully peel and shred the pulp across thin strips. In a small saucepan pour a glass of broth, spread the cucumber and cook for 15 minutes. Potatoes are cleaned and chopped in small slices.

In another saucepan, boil a little more broth, dip the potatoes gently and cook until soft for 10 minutes. The bulb is peeled from the husks, finely shredded and wessed on the oil. The remaining broth is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and put into it a cucumber peel, peeled root of parsley and a pea pea. Boil the broth for 20 minutes, and then filter.

Pour the flour into a dry hot pan, lightly dry and cool. Then we bred it with cucumber decoction, mix it, so that no lumps are formed, and bring to a boil. In the strained meat broth, pour out the kidney broth, put the potatoes together with the liquid, lower the salted vegetables, saltified cucumbers, flour muffin, beef kidneys, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes.

5 minutes before the soup is ready, we throw the laurel leaf, pour in the cucumber brine, add salt as needed and then bring it back to the boil. From the prepared dish we take out the bay leaf. Green parsley rinses in running water, shakes and finely chopped. When serving, pour rassolnik from beef kidneys on plates, put sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.