The genetic feature of this family manifested itself in the 14th time, and shocked the whole world!

There are families in which from generation to generation a gift is given to draw beautifully, or, for example, an amazing shade of red hair. Well, this family from Brazil is simply shocking you with its uniqueness, and today they have a special reason for this!

You will not believe, but all 14 members of a large family of De Silva have exactly six fingers on their hands and exactly six toes on their legs!

And you can call such a feature abnormal or even an anomaly, but it's all in vain - this family thinks that six fingers help them "stand out from the crowd" and even more - "this is a sign that other families do not have!"

The most interesting thing is that even until recently all De Silva with six toes and hands had exactly 13, and they could only get the whole world to talk about themselves only after their 14th "special" heir, the boy Vinicius, was born.

His father, Alessandro, has six fingers and toes, and Katya's mother only has five (Oh, God, how unusual it is for them!). Moreover, their eldest son Guilherme also inherited this family feature.

But genetic scientists argue that in the event that one of the parents does not have "extra fingers", the results can be 50 to 50.

As you know, in the family of De Silva very worried about this. But fortunately, on the thirteenth week of pregnancy, everything became clear - the second one will not fail them!

And today happy parents are even more happy, as they learned that Vinitsa's sixth fingers function just as well as everyone else!

By the way, the genetic syndrome, because of which people are born with extra fingers and hands, is called polydactyly, and it is fixed in one case out of a thousand, but how to explain this ???

By the way, in the family of De Silva, the sixth fingers help not only to become famous for their availability, but also for functionality. Here, for example, the 7-year-old son of Alessandro Guilherme likes the way he can grab many things at once.

Mario's cousin is so much more comfortable playing the piano:

"Six fingers is very convenient. I can capture a lot more keys! "

Well, to the family goalkeeper Joao the sixth finger is useful, as to anybody:

"Because of this great grip, the ball will never run away from me!"

It is noteworthy that the "family of six" glorified many years ago, Grandfather Alessandro. Then he was the first in the family who got additional fingers, and this feature he devoted a whole book with his own hands on the cover. Well, today six fingers De Silva - a true family brand. And very interesting, 14 - this is not the limit?