Furacilin for gargling

The pain in the throat is the very condition that you want to get rid of immediately. Among the simplest and cheapest preparations for gargling, furacil is the most effective.

Forms of release

The medicine is sold in the form of an ointment, a spray and an alcohol solution - this is important in the treatment of burns and purulent wounds. But to gargle a throat is appropriate water solution furatsilina or tablets, which are stored longer and can be used at any time. They are bred in hot water in a certain dosage - exactly how, we will consider just below.

It should be noted that the instruction recommends furacilin for gargling and external application with open wounds, but getting the drug solution into the gastric tract should be avoided. And certainly you can not take tablets of furatsilina, like regular pills, washing down with water! However, with bacterial infections of the intestine, taking a solution of this drug inside is prescribed, but the treatment should be monitored by a similar method.

Effect of the drug

Furacilin (the chemical name of the substance - nitrofural) is a topical antiseptic. Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, protozoa and some viruses are sensitive to it, although today there are strains of bacteria that are not at all susceptible to this drug.

The drug, in contact with the cell membrane of the microbe, partially destroys it, because of which the pathogenic flora can no longer reproduce. This effect lasts about 40 minutes. That is why furatsilin for rinsing with tonsillitis and pharyngitis is advised to apply every half hour.

Properties of the preparation

Nitrofural is a yellow powder that almost does not dissolve in cold water. Therefore, the throat rinsing with furicilin in angina is carried out using a warm solution. A dilute tablets and do hot water.

Prepared medicine can not be kept in the light, especially nitrofural molecules are sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

The solution should be consumed throughout the day, otherwise its properties will weaken.

Application of the drug

Angina can be defeated only by systematic treatment, because rinses are done at least 1 time per hour, and better - in half an hour.

It is recommended to rinse the throat with a soda solution.

The most urgent question - how many tablets do you need to rinse your throat with furacilin? A glass of hot water (about 80 ° C) takes two tablets of the drug. The solution is prepared in a glass container, stirring with a spoon until all the grains dissolve. It is useful to add a pinch of salt to the glass.

Because of its harmlessness and minimal list of contraindications (individual intolerance, bleeding, dermatosis), the drug has gained the trust of many generations. Future moms will be curious to know that gargling with throat furatsilinom during pregnancy is safe, although it is worthwhile to ensure that the solution does not hit the stomach. This penny remedy will come to the rescue when most herbal preparations are on the blacklist because of the risk to the fetus.

Will not only get rid of sore throats

Local treatment with furicilin is topical when:

The drug is used in the form of an ointment or spray, and if you have to wash the wound with an alcohol or aqueous solution, you should use only a bandage - particles of cotton wool can stay on the skin and cause an abscess.

Furacilin for rinsing helps not only from the throat, but also from stomatitis, and also gingivitis. Dosage and the scheme of application is the same.