Post-traumatic encephalopathy

Mechanical damage to the head of a severe or moderate degree leads, as a rule, to violations of the brain of various kinds. As a consequence, posttraumatic encephalopathy often develops, although it is not a chronic disease, but it poses a significant threat to the normal vital activity and capacity of a person.

Post-traumatic encephalopathy of the brain - causes

The main factor leading to the onset of the syndrome in question is head trauma, which can be obtained by falling from a height or impact by a heavy object. In addition, most often post-traumatic encephalopathy is observed in people affected by a car accident. The degree of craniocerebral injury in this case is severe or moderately severe.

Post-traumatic encephalopathy - symptoms

Signs of this pathological condition are not immediately apparent, but after a while, usually this period is 1-2 weeks. It is also worth noting that the presence, severity, intensity of symptoms strongly depends on the vastness and area of ​​brain damage.

First of all, the memory of the patient suffers. Her frustration manifests itself in the inability to store and reproduce information, both long-received and in close intervals.

Most patients have impaired attention. They are expressed in the inconsistency of the actions performed, often completely meaningless actions. A person becomes distracted, it is difficult to concentrate and concentrate on any occupation.

The most severe symptom of posttraumatic encephalopathy is a violation of thinking. And it can manifest itself both in acceleration and in inhibition of thought processes. In the first case, the following symptoms occur:

If inertia of thinking takes place, they are manifested:

Post-traumatic encephalopathy of 1 and 2 degrees can also be expressed in difficulties with behavioral control. Among the main symptoms should be noted manifestations of aggression, hostility even to close people. Sometimes there are seizures of epilepsy , a stable sleep disorder develops, a person experiences discomfort and various problems in the sexual sphere.

Post-traumatic encephalopathy of the brain - treatment

Therapy of the syndrome in question is being developed in a comprehensive manner. Appointed psychopharmacological drugs that contribute to the normalization of brain activity and acceleration of metabolic processes in neurons. The most effective are:

Sometimes drugs are required to reduce intracranial pressure, but their use is justified if the patient suffers from hypertension. Simultaneously with taking these drugs, it is advisable to visit a psychologist at least two times a week, daily to engage in neuropsychological training. In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures, acupuncture, meditation practices, respiratory gymnastics (mainly qigong) are used. During the recovery period it is recommended to observe the norms of healthy nutrition, to walk every day, to exercise without physical overload.