Marital conflicts

No family can do without conflicts, any disagreements. Misunderstandings can be between all family members, and most often this happens between spouses. Therefore, if you want to preserve peace in your home, it will not be superfluous to have an idea of ​​marital conflicts as such, and ways to resolve them.

The main causes of marital conflicts

It is important to remember that in conflicts between spouses there is no adequacy and therefore their dispute is extremely ambiguous. But he acts as an iceberg: in most cases small quarrels are not given due attention, and this, in turn, generates a lot of grievances.

The causes of marital conflicts are:

  1. One of the main reasons for the split in the family is psychological incompatibility. Each person has his own prejudices, traditions, principles and sometimes even loving partners, can not get along with certain qualities of each other.
  2. Family betrayal. This is one of the most serious reasons and the true motivation for this act can be determined either by a specialist or in case the spouses without emotions talk about this with each other.
  3. Love or not love? As is known, relations have several stages of development, and when the stage of unrestrained love falls, in young families, marital conflicts of this kind may arise. And when romantic feelings transform into another form, it may seem to one of the lovers that there is no more of a former passion. In this case, the behavior of partners depends on their temperament. So, someone lacks attention, plunges into a depressed state. And someone else puts too high demands on his beloved person, as a result of which, conflicts are born.

Resolution of marital conflicts

Adhere to the following recommendations, if you want a family quarrel between you and your beloved does not turn into a global marital conflict:

  1. Never go to the personalities during disagreements. Remember that the partner will always respond to the insult to the same, and this will further exacerbate the situation.
  2. During quarrels, you should not generalize the behavior of the partner with the phrase "you have not changed" or "always this".
  3. Is the cause of the current conflict one? So it is not necessary to discuss one more during the dispute. For you, the main thing at the moment is to find mutual understanding, and not add fuel to the fire.
  4. Find the courage to admit that you are wrong.
  5. Hold back and do not splash out all that has accumulated in the evening. The reason for this is the only one: in the second half of the day all the negative that you have absorbed during the whole day accumulates. And sometimes my husband is not involved in this at all.
  6. Never conflict in the presence of a third party.
  7. If you are already starting a quarrel, decide what purpose, what you want to achieve with it.