Why do men start lovers - the psychology of a married man

Statistics show that more than 70% of men change or at least once changed their spouse. At the same time, women change their husbands much less often. Knowing this, women are trying to understand why married men start lovers.

Why a man turns a mistress - the psychology of a married man

Psychology describes such reasons why married men start lovers:

  1. Sexual dissatisfaction . This reason is the very first in the list of reasons that destroy family life. The problem lies in the fact that often male and female desires do not coincide on this issue. For men, sex is one of the most important occupations in a relationship . For women, sex can be almost not important or stand at the end of the list of priorities. In addition, the burden that falls on the shoulders of women and constant fatigue, also does not contribute to the development of sexual desire. In this regard, an unmarried woman is a serious competitor to an exhausted spouse. In this area, there may be an answer to the question of why married men start lovers at work. Sexual dissatisfaction and intense employment at work lead to the fact that a man finds himself an outlet in the same place, in the workplace.
  2. Psychological dissatisfaction . Psychological comfort in marriage is an important component of family happiness. If there are conflicts in the family, quarrels, spouses can not find a common language and come to an understanding, then the husband can go in search of a more peaceful environment. At the same time, for one reason or another, he will keep the family.
  3. Personality or age crisis . Another important reason why men start lovers, are the crisis moments. In the life of a man, there may come a period when he begins to doubt his capabilities and physical attractiveness. In this regard, the mistress is a kind of simulator that helps to restore the lost balance. Such infidelity is most common for men over 45 years, because at this age a man starts to clearly feel the aging of the body and wants to prove to himself and others that not everything is lost.
  4. Bad habits . Treason in a drunken state is quite common. However, it is worth noting that such changes are often accidental and could not have happened if a person were sober.
  5. Influence of the environment . In some men's companies it is believed that every self-respecting man should have a mistress and, maybe, not even one. In this case, the man ceases to correctly assess the family situation and directs his forces in search of adventure.