Family conflicts

Family conflicts - this is the most common reason for the treatment of couples to a psychologist. The ways of solving family conflicts largely depend on what kind of conflict arose within the framework of a given cell of society. Conflicts in a family in which there are children are very negatively affected by their perception of parental relationships and marriage as such.

Types of family conflicts

Consider the most common classification of conflicts:

  1. Constructive conflicts. There are such conflicts for various reasons, but their solution brings a sense of satisfaction to both drapes, in other words this is a kind of compromise solution, with which both conflicting parties agree. Whether it is a conflict in a young family, or in a family with many years of experience, its outcome is always prosperous.
  2. Destructive conflicts. Such conflicts are very dangerous, because their outcome does not satisfy both sides and can, drag on for many years, reducing the sense of satisfaction with their marriage, after themselves for a long time leaving an unpleasant deposit. Frequent recurrence of such conflicts can lead to divorce.

Causes of family conflicts

They can be very diverse. Psychologists say that both sides are guilty of conflict. Causes for conflicts can serve and widespread patterns of behavior for each of the spouses. Depending on what contribution to the conflict each of the spouses makes, it is conventionally accepted to divide the behavior models into several semantic groups.

  1. The aspiration of self-assertion in the family. The desire for self-affirmation, as a rule, covers all spheres of relationships, so here the conflict can erupt at any moment. The desire of one of the spouses to take a leading position in a marriage is often reinforced by "parent" advice. This desire contradicts the basic principles of marriage, among which cooperation and mutual respect. In such situations, any request can be regarded as an encroachment on personal freedom, and create a tense atmosphere in the family.
  2. Didactic. The habit of one of the partners to teach others something. This pattern of behavior leads to family and conjugal conflicts, due to the fact that it limits any manifestation of independence and introduces constant disagreements in views on life.
  3. Focus only on their own affairs. Every adult has a lot of responsibilities to the authorities, parents, children, etc. therefore, as a rule, there is no time and energy to participate or even to monitor the progress of the affairs of the spouse. This model of behavior is especially often traced in the newlyweds, since no one is ready to change their tired habits of life, so placing additional responsibilities on their shoulders leads to conflicts.
  4. "Puzzled." In everyday communication between spouses, there is always some kind of routine and concern about family problems, this leads to a lack of joint positive experiences and, as a consequence, to the emergence of conflict situations.

Ways to resolve family conflicts

There are many ineffective ways to solve family conflicts, the use of which can not only take away precious time from you, but can also aggravate the conflict in the family. To resolve conflict situations in your family, it is best to seek help from family psychologists, and not check on your family life the advice of neighbors, acquaintances or parents. It is impossible that there was no conflict in the family at all, since the peculiarity of family relations is that people of the opposite sex marry with completely different life stories and different upbringings, and at the same time they have to somehow get along with each other under one roof. All that can be done in this case is to prevent family conflicts.

How to avoid conflicts in the family?

Here are a few simple tips that can help you avoid conflicts in your family.

  1. The family should have a trusting relationship. If one of the partners does not finish something or keeps it a secret from another, this in itself can provoke a tense atmosphere in the relationship, and the size of the conflict that arose as a consequence of this can be much more frightening than the fact that you have hidden.
  2. Ability to yield to each other. As we have already discussed above, one of the reasons for the emergence of family conflicts may be the desire of one of the spouses to take the dominant position, which leads to acute conflict situations. Do not forget that the guarantee of a happy marriage lies in the equality of its members. Know how to make concessions for the sake of your love.