Sleep pose and their meaning

Each loving couple has their favorite poses for sleeping. And what's important is not how lovers fall asleep, but how they wake up. It is according to the morning picture that it is common to assess the poses of a couple in a dream.

What do psychologists say about pose during a couple's sleep?

Psychologists say that based on the position in which the couple usually wakes up on a joint bed, one can judge the strength and warmth of the relationship, as well as their stage. In a greater degree, relations are characterized. In addition, some poses for the dream of a couple in love indicate the characteristics of the characters.

What does the pair of pose in a dream say?

Consider several pairs of sleep pairs and their meaning. It is important to note that it is not a one-time pose that needs to be assessed, but one in which partners usually wake up.

  1. One of the partners sleeps on the back, the second - on the stomach. In such a pair there is some closure, but in general, they are warmly related to each other.
  2. One of the partners stretches out his hand, and on it lies the head or neck of the second. In such a pair, everyone has separate friends and interests, but at the same time there is trust and mutual understanding between them.
  3. One partner hugs the other from the back. This position indicates the tenderness and care within the pair, the absence of visible conflicts . Psychologists are sure that if a couple is asleep, there are some unresolved questions between them.
  4. Partners sleep with their backs to their backs. Such relationships are stable, strong and reliable, they take into account the interests of both participants equally, which at the same time preserve their personal space and do not bother each other.
  5. The couple sleeps face to face, weaving their legs and hands. This pose indicates that lovers at the very beginning of the relationship, they want to be as close as possible. As a rule, only jealous and proprietors stay in this position.
  6. One of the partners occupies most of the bed, the second huddles side by side. As a rule, the former considers himself to be the main one and is inclined to assert himself daily in his domination.

In order to deeply analyze the relationship, you need to take into account not only the pose for sleep, but also a lot of other important factors. For this purpose it is better to address to the professional psychologist.