Visuals, audials, kinesthetics

There are three main categories of perception of information, and based on what qualities prevail, all people are divided into visuals, audials and kinesthetics. Let's consider each of these categories. It is worthwhile to understand that there are practically no pure types. More often people combine two of them: for example, audial-visual, or kinestetik-audial.


Audials are a rather rare type of people. Most often they are endowed with eloquence, sharp hearing and a beautiful memory. They communicate easily over the phone - for them it is most important to hear the interlocutor.

These people love to talk, do it beautifully and with pleasure. Often such people look arrogant, but in fact for their loved ones they are the best listener and adviser. It is from such people that the best speakers, lecturers, psychologists and musicians get. Audials are always selective to music and do not make noise. If you know a person with a pleasant, sonorous, beautiful and melodic voice, most likely it's an audial.

You can distinguish the audial in the middle line of the glance and the habit of crossing your arms over your chest.

Typical phrases for audial are connected with listening and speaking:

In communication with audial the main thing is conversations. These are the very people who love the ears.


Such people perceive the world with the help of the eyes. They easily compose a story on a picture or describe what they saw. Usually they are perfectly able to systematize anything. To work, they need to work out schemes and algorithms - without this they are lost.

For them, the most important is visibility. A story without photos or graphics can simply not be postponed in their head. This is because if they do not see, they do not seem to hear.

It is among the visuals of the largest number of women who choose clothes and shoes on the principle of "uncomfortable, but beautiful." They always look well-groomed and attractive.

It is incredibly important for these people to see the interlocutor, to look into his eyes. If you do not look at the visual, when he says something to you, he can decide that you do not listen to him.

Often these people do not like touching and sometimes react to them inadequately. More often than not, they are slim, pacific and have a high voice.

Their typical expressions are:

In the speech of such people the mass of visual images is descriptions of color, form and all other external parameters. They have developed imaginative thinking.


These people tend to know the world by touch, they are immersed in sensations and tactile impressions. Usually their feelings are written in their eyes, so they get used to withdraw or lower them.

These people choose clothes and shoes on the principle "let it be ugly, but convenient". It is very important for them that their skin is touched only by the most delicate tissues. In addition, they generally appreciate the touch and friendly embrace.

These people are very sensitive, and not everyone will discover their wonderful inner world. They are capable of perceiving everything only in taste, touch and smell. In order to understand how something works, they will try to try it in practice.

Their typical expressions are:

Very much in the speech of such people those adjectives that describe physical properties from the point of view of sensations - soft, fluffy, warm, fragrant, etc.

There are no difficulties in how to determine: visual, audial or kinesthetic one or the other person. Just compare its behavior with the described models.