Is there magic?

People have long divided into two camps: those who believe in the existence of magic and those who do not believe. Probably this is the most contentious issue, which worries enough people. For many centuries, mankind has been trying to prove or disprove this fact, that is, to find out the truth, whether there is magic or not.

Truth or lie?

Is there a magic or is it just a fantasy of certain persons, a question of interest to many. Suppose that this is an ordinary accident, but a huge number of accidents - this is a regularity. It would be simpler if there was a precise definition of this word, but until now it is impossible to do, what magic is - magic, miracle, creativity, talent, art, no one can say for sure. People who believe that magic exists, define it, as a combination of some actions that help change the world and reality.

Children's fairy tale

For the first time a person encounters magic, opening a children's book with fairy tales, there are many examples of magic, for example, live and dead water. From this moment it is necessary to think whether there is black or white magic, or it's just, whose imagination is that. Although to date it has been proven that water can directly affect the human body, and it also absorbs information, both positive and negative. Even a few years ago people laughed with practicing magicians who were plotting for water and said that it could help, and today they believe it themselves. Maybe this concerns the question of whether there is white and black magic, just as long as there is no science to prove its existence. Most of all, materialists do not believe in magic, as they believe that one should only believe in what one can feel and feel.

Let's glance into the past

Let's start with the most ancient times, when people believed in the afterlife, that is, when a person dies, he goes to another world in which he continues to exist. This is the first proof of the existence of magic and the negation of the assertion of materialists. In Russia, in almost every village lived healers and sorcerers who treated people, cleaned the evil eye and the like. At that time, almost everyone was convinced that supernatural forces exist. People suspected of practicing magic were condemned and burned at the stake. Wizards and sorcerers are different, because it was believed that the first - trainees of white magic, and the latter - black. If to judge that magic is truth or fiction based on history, then the answer would be positive.

Contemporary opinion

It has already been scientifically proven that a person has a biofield and his own energy. The stronger you have the energy, the more chances to learn to manage circumstances and people much more. Today, there are many programs that talk about psychics and even determine the best. Thanks to this, many skeptics believed in the existence of magical abilities in humans. Of course faith is an individual phenomenon, today one can not believe in the existence of magic, and tomorrow become one of them.

Common Myths

Magic is something terrible and bad. Many people associate magic, with conspiracies , curses, terrible wizards with warts and the like, although this is completely wrong.

To be a magician, it is enough to know at least one conspiracy. This is also not true, as magic must be studied, such as physics or chemistry.

There is white and black magic. Initially, magic has no "color", how exactly it depends depends on the person and his personality.

From the above information, we can conclude that magic exists for people who believe in it, they can fully enjoy and enjoy all the possibilities of this "talent".