The difference between British cats and Scottish

Simple amateurs who do not plan to breed or breed cats for sale, this question is interesting purely in the cognitive plan. But if a person wants to attend exhibitions with a fluffy pet, to occupy prestigious places there, then for him the purebredness of the baby plays a huge role. A layman of Scottish and British straights is difficult to distinguish, both kittens and adults are very similar. All of them are beautiful and playful, so they ask in their hands. Buying a fluffy baby for the soul, you can safely take any animal, both first and second breed. But nevertheless, there are nuances associated with the quality of the wool and the shape of the ears, which make it possible to determine the belonging of the litter to a specific species.

Features of the British breed of cats

The eyes of the British are of amazing copper color, they also have thick, but short hair and a full-cheeked face. Their constitution is strong, the body is round. Most often these cats have a blue version of the coat color, although there are other colors. It is very important - the lop of the British cat does not exist. Another important feature is related to the structure of the trunk - the neck of these large animals is short, and often it is almost invisible.

Features of Scottish cat breed

The above signs of the British almost coincide with the description of the Scottish straights, but there are several differences. Most importantly - there are folds (Fold Scottish cats) and straights (cats with erect ears). By the way, only Scottish folds were previously considered elite and went to the championships, and the pryamous fellows had only one destiny - to participate in knitting. But soon the cunning owners began to take their Scottish Straights to the exhibitions, betraying them for the British. Only since 2002 they began to legalize, and in 2006 the Straight Scots were recognized completely, as an independent breed.

It is the difference between Scottish Straits and British Straits that most often causes difficulties for non-professionals. The Scots have a little less weight and their wool is not as tightly packed as the British. They are smaller and neck in these animals is clearly visible. Heavy Scottish Straights even try to exclude from breeding. A feature of the nature of Scottish cats can be called that they are more self-sufficient and do not so much need to communicate with the owners, rather than their southern counterparts.

Get a thoroughbred Briton can only crossed the other two British purebred cats. Fragile Scots are obtained by crossing folds with straights, so there is less chance of having a poor-quality offspring with genetic abnormalities. That is why Scottish Strights will always remain indispensable for obtaining a strong offspring of the Scottish Fold breed of cats.