What does the breast grow from?

Small, large, lush, soft, elastic, luxurious and a whole series of flattering epithets. What are we talking about? Well, of course, about the female breast. For some, it's pride. For others - a headache. For the third - a formidable strategic weapon on the love front. But for all, without exception, an undoubted object of close attention. Men look at her with curiosity and lust, and many women do not cease to wonder what to do and eat, so that the breast grows. Let's think about this interesting question.

And I want more!

Very many women, having a beautiful and attractive appearance, are unhappy with their reflection in the mirror. Then it seems to them that the waist is not thin enough, the legs are short, then the breast is not that size. My girlfriend won the fifth number, but I have only the third. What a nuisance! But do not despair and dive into this issue in a green yearning. It is better to arm yourself with special literature and try to find out from what the female breast grows.

What it takes to grow a breast?

The most important product, from which the breast grows, are female hormones. They are called estrogens and are produced in the body of every woman on their own without any active effort on her part. The peak of maximum estrogen production is the age from 11 to 18 years. It is at this time that the bust grows and forms. But in some estrogens is the case. A significant role in this process is played by heredity, the physical state of the organism, as well as the regime and food products.


Dieticians together with scientists have identified a number of products from which the breast grows. The fact is that in their composition, components of very close female sex hormones were found. And since these substances are found in vegetable products, they are called phytoestrogens.

So, from what products does the breast grow? This list includes black ground coffee, peaches, legumes, soybeans, oranges, parsley and many other plants. Eating them during the peak release of their own estrogens during adolescence will serve as an excellent additional stimulant for the growth of your breasts. And if the formed bust still seems a little too small, then in the more mature age these products will help to correct this problem. With daily and systematic use of them, you can force the brain to activate the release of "native" hormones and increase its shape by another 1-2 sizes.

More tips on how to make breasts grow

But their own hormones and phytoestrogens are not the only building material that helps to find luxurious Percy. There are other ways, and products, which also need to be taken into account. Namely proteins, fats and vitamins. So what else should you eat to grow your chest?

First, meat and dairy dishes, pork, beef, liver, eggs, milk and cottage cheese. For they are a rich source of animal protein and calcium. Together with vegetable proteins found in products with phytoestrogens, they will play the same role as bricks in building a house. And calcium will strengthen the bones and muscles. After all, a luxurious bust and stooped back are incompatible.

Secondly, food should include vegetable and butter, sour cream and other sources of fat. After all, the mammary gland is 80 percent fat.

Third, do not neglect vegetables and fruits. They should be enough in the diet. On the one hand, they are an invaluable storehouse of vitamins, and many of them also contain phytoestrogens. And on the other hand, they are fibers of natural fiber, which removes from the body all negative and interferes with its normal functioning.

And what else can you do to grow a breast? Live an active, joyful life, play sports, as often as possible to be outdoors and love yourself for who you are. Believe me, those around you will treat your appearance exactly the way you treat it yourself. Wear bright dresses, wear studs, do not be afraid to be in the spotlight. And then you no longer have to puzzle over the question, from which the breast grows. The main thing is that you have it, but there are admirers.