Latin inscriptions for tattoos

Who at least once in my life did not think about getting a tattoo? It seems that such a thought visited everyone. Someone, having burned out, leaves this idea, but many bring the business to the end. Often the first female tattoo is small.

Latin inscriptions for tattoo are the most common first experience. Not many risk to rush right off the bat and fill themselves with a large-scale drawing with a deep meaning, but a compact and inconspicuous inscription for the beginning is what you need. In the end, after a while, a small tattoo can be turned into a real work of art. But it will be later, but for now ...

Tattoo with inscriptions in Latin

Although Latin is considered a dead language, in tattoos, he lives and lives to this day. Latin is in a way a unique language, it manages to successfully combine deep meaning and brevity. Simply put, even the most shortest inscriptions in Latin for tattoos can mean something very complicated and important.

All tattoos are very symbolic, and the first one is also the most responsible, therefore most often it is the deepest meaning that is put into it. Many girls choose inscriptions in Latin for tattoos, denoting the name of loved ones and relatives or some symbolic dates. Do not fill the name of the beloved in Russian, and it looks rather ambiguous, but in Latin, the tattoo will look mysterious and beautiful, and even become very symbolic.

The main thing is to correctly translate the inscription for the tattoo into Latin, otherwise the whole essence of the tattoo will be lost (of course, most of the acquaintances will take your word for it, but it is possible that you will get surrounded by those who know the language). To trust the translation is best to qualified professionals in the agency or, in extreme cases - on authoritative linguistic forums. Specialists here will be able to cope well with both the translation of one word and the whole passage of the text, if necessary.

Popular Latin tattoo inscriptions

Winged expressions, suitable for tattoo, in Latin nemereno. Here are just a few of the most popular phrases with translations:

  1. Amantes sunt amentes, which translates as Lovers are insane.
  2. Amor omnia vincit - Everything wins love - it seems to be an ideal idea for tattoos for girls , a beautiful and very romantic phrase in Latin.
  3. Facta sunt potentiora - Actions are stronger than words.
  4. In aeternum - Forever, forever.
  5. Meliora spero - I hope for the best.
  6. Odi et Amo - I hate and love.
  7. Actum ne agas - With what is done, do not return to it.
  8. Dum spiro, spero! - While I breathe I hope!
  9. Dum spiro, amo atque credo - As long as I breathe, I love and believe.
  10. Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris - Wait from another that you yourself have done to another.
  11. Fugit irrevocabile tempus - The irrevocable time is running.
  12. Gustus legibus non subiacet - The taste does not obey the laws.

In addition, you can translate your favorite quote into Latin. It will sound no worse than already established phrases.