The conspiracy to win the lottery

A huge number of people want to win a lot of money in the lottery. To do this, it is necessary to win the support of luck. With this task will help to cope with numerous conspiracies , which are known since ancient times. It is important to note that one should start rituals only with a great faith in the positive result.

Rules on how to use conspiracies and prayers to win the lottery

In order for rituals to produce the desired result, it is necessary to follow certain recommendations. First, it is best to read the conspiracies on Wednesday, because it is this day that raises the effectiveness of rites. Secondly, the mystery of the ritual is of great importance, that is, no one should know that you bought a lottery and are going to resort to the help of magic. It is not recommended to tell anyone, even if you can win, otherwise there may be various troubles.

Conspiracy and rite to win the lottery

This ritual is intended for instant lottery, when you need to remove the protective layer on the ticket and immediately understand whether there is a gain or not. Going to the store for a ticket, you need to read this conspiracy:

"Ticket, ticket, are you empty or not?" You win, give me money to return. With an increase and with a large mark-up. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Having purchased the ticket and erasing the protective layer, it is necessary to say such a conspiracy to win the lottery:

"I wash, I wash, I cry for success. Let the numbers converge on a lucky ticket. I will win - a lot, others let - no. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Effective plot and ritual for winning the lottery

As has already been said, to start the ritual is on Wednesday. First you need to take a bill, which is enough to buy a ticket. Holding it in your hands, read the plot:

"I'll give you one money, I'll get a lot!"

Repeat the words seven times. After that, go for a ticket and be sure to pay off the bill. Do not long choose a ticket, take the one that immediately liked. Right after that you have to go home and remember that no one can talk about buying. At home light a candle of green color, since this color attracts money. Look at the ticket and read the plot for a big win in the lottery:

"Ticket, I'm holding the money, and attracting money to myself. I have wealth and prosperity, all the coins and victories I call upon myself! "

Repeat the words seven times. Then hide the ticket from prying eyes before the draw.

How to draw a win in the lottery - a conspiracy to a lucky ticket

For the ritual, you need exactly seven lucky tickets, that is, they have the sum of the first half of the numbers of the ticket number should be equal to the second half. Also prepare a small own picture and a square sheet of double-sided green paper, the size of which should be such that it can be rolled up and hidden all the contents. On paper put a photo, and on it all the tickets stacked pile. Turn the corners of the paper to the center. At the next stage, light an orange or brown candle. Dripping to join the corners with wax, thereby sealing the talisman, read three times such a plot:

"Happiness has come, another happiness and luck led. Ticket to the ticket, win to win. As the numbers in the tickets came together, so in the lottery, the figures for winning came. Fire I kindle, I close my wax, I call good luck. May it be so!"

Always carry the amulet with you in your left pocket.