White Magic Spells for Beginners

Beginning sorcerers should understand that it is not enough to read the plot accurately and unmistakably, so that the conceived has come true. White magic for beginners should mean the presence of three factors:

That is, before you start the spells of white magic for beginners, you need to be in full combat readiness. In order to formulate your desire, it is enough to retire from vanity and talk with your inner self. To increase concentration, you can practice on the second hand of the clock - just watch for two minutes and do not think about anything. But indestructible faith generates a tone by which you read the spell, pronouncing it as an order not subject to objection. Faith can grow in itself only by practicing magic daily.

Spell on Beauty

Women value their appearance, therefore, as the first test of the pen, you can safely choose the spells of appearance.

Such an urgent topic will provide a practitioner of white magic for beginners with an accurate statement of desire and full concentration, and faith, as we have said, will increase with time.

For the ritual, you will need dried rosemary, a candle, 2 aromatic spoons with the smell of cypress.

We will spend it after midnight on the waning moon, referring to Hecate - the goddess of witchcraft with three faces.

Light the candle and fragrance, say the following:

"Oh, great Goddess, who has succeeded in witchcraft! Come, the three-faced goddess of the night, the pale Selena, the cold Diana, the furious Hecate, ancient as the world and eternally young. Hear my call and give me your blessing. Goddess of the crescent moon, I call to you at this hour. Turn to me the face your youth, give power to my spell. "

Make a circle on the floor of rosemary and go around counter-clockwise, barefoot, backwards, saying the following:

"Great Hecate, I beg you, turn back time! This night I walk your dark path! As the moon wanes and disappears completely, so let my wrinkles disappear, my years and my flabby skin disappear. Let me again look as young as possible. My words, your will! "

When the candle burns, discard the cake, rosemary and sticks away from home.