Capsule for coffee machine

If you are a true coffee lover, then you must have a coffee maker in your kitchen, or you want to buy it. Today we will tell you about modern trends in the preparation of this tonic drink, namely, about capsular coffee makers.

What are capsules?

The coffee capsule is a glass with a lid, which is installed in a coffee machine. The glass is filled with compressed ground coffee and hermetically sealed in factory conditions. Such capsules are metal and plastic. The main advantage of capsular coffee is the convenience of its preparation, because coffee is already dosed (each capsule contains 6 to 9 grams), it does not need to be poured and rammed anywhere, and after cooking it is also necessary to wash the horn.

You do not need a filter here either: after making coffee that takes 30 to 60 seconds, the disposable capsule is simply thrown away, and you are enjoying your favorite drink.

Coffee, obtained from capsules, has a special taste. This is due to the fact that the capsule is hermetically sealed and there is a bright aroma in it, unlike the packaging of coffee, which has stood open for at least a few days.

The main disadvantage is the price of the question: buying disposable capsules is quite costly. That's why many "caffeines" use reusable and even homemade capsules.

Types of coffee machines for coffee capsules

Manufacturers of coffee makers have not yet come to uniform standards in the production of capsules to them, because of which coffee connoisseurs experience certain inconveniences. By purchasing a capsule coffee maker, you will have to buy disposable capsules for it only for a specific brand. This harsh condition is necessary that the device does not fail because of the use of a consumable that does not correspond to it.

So, if you are facing a choice of a capsule coffee machine, keep in mind that by purchasing a specific model, you can drink only the coffee of the following brands:

Reusable capsules for coffee machine

On sale there are also reusable capsules, which are sold empty. They are made of high-strength plastic or aluminum. In this capsule, you can brew any medium-grind coffee, and only on its quality will depend on the taste of the resulting drink. In a set of reusable capsules there is a special foil, which must be pasted onto the container by hand after you have poured and compacted the coffee powder. Another development is a cap capsule, made in the form of a mesh. After preparing the drink, this capsule should be rinsed in warm water.

The use of reusable capsules allows, first, to save, and secondly, to brew and even mix different types of coffee, experimenting with flavors. And third, capsules intended for reusable use are compatible with most coffee machines.

Often the craftsmen themselves make reusable containers for coffee. This is quite simple: you need to combine two already used disposable containers in a certain way. The resulting capsule for a coffee maker, made by own hands, will be no worse than the purchase - you just need to exactly align the hole in the top part of the container with the needle of the machine. Otherwise, coffee can penetrate inside the mechanism and spoil it.