The Swan's Hall

The welding circle is an astrological system, which was used by the ancient Slav-Aryan clans. They had not 12, but 16 constellations, or rather, circles of years, passing through 9 natural elements. These circles of years are called Heavenly Halls of the Swarovski Circle. Each of them had his own patron, as the Swan's Court had a patroness, the Mother of God, Makosh.

The Meaning of the Hall of the Swan

Depending on the person in which the man was born, and who of the Gods became his patron, and formed his character traits, fate and talents. The welding circle is more than the Zodiac. It contains knowledge accumulated and systematized for hundreds of thousands of years in accordance with the Vedic worldview of ancestors. And each Chertog has its own symbol, which can play the role of an amulet. Thus, the charm of the Swan's Hall has the appearance of a circle in which three isosceles triangles are arranged in a definite order. In the center is a comma-like icon. Speaking of the description of the Swan's Hall, it must be said that it is the third Chertom in the Svarog Circle and includes the period from 3 to 24 November.

The sacred tree of this sign is the pine. The Theotokos Makosh symbolizes justice in the female guise. Help her daughter help her daughter: Share and Nedolya. It is recommended to address to this patroness, praying for prosperity and full life. It favors those who are not afraid of work and are accustomed to do everything themselves, with their own hands.

Characteristics of the swans born in the Hall

Such people possess incredible intuition, one might even say foresight, but everyone reveals it in different ways. By nature they are calm, reserved and prudent and even if it seems that a person is in a state of confusion and does not know how to act, at heart he is collected and ready to make an important decision. They are striving for absolute, including energy, peace, and this is transmitted to other people, so next to the swan that appeared in the light, it is always calm and serene. They are able to empathize subtly, feeling someone else's joy or grief as their own, although outwardly it can be unnoticed.

Swans are distinguished by excessive pride and quick temper. Often they assert themselves at the expense of others and ascribe to themselves other people's merits. In an intimate life extremely amorous and can often change partners. But they have an incredibly strong sense of duty. We are ready for much, if we realize the need to achieve this or that goal.