Daoist Women's Practices

A woman is like a flower, which when it opens its potential attracts attention and gives pleasure. It is for this purpose that Taoist women's practices are designed that allow all the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to reveal their femininity and sexuality. Exercises are simple enough, but they require the ability to concentrate and visualize . To achieve good results, it is recommended to practice regularly, preferably every day.

Taoist secrets of improving female sexual energy

Since ancient times, the Chinese knew that sexual health is the key to a happy life. The basic mission of every woman, according to Taoist knowledge, is to store and conserve energy, and to spend it solely on maintaining a home. To tune in to the right wave, it is recommended to create a relaxing atmosphere, for example, use aromatic oils, flowers, quiet soothing music, etc. The main Taoist secrets of love and sexuality for women:

  1. Of great importance is love for oneself. Every woman should accept herself as she is. Do not focus on any physical defects, because this is only a subjective opinion. It is recommended that you regularly spend some time in front of a mirror, tell yourself compliments and understand your uniqueness. It is best to conduct such "lessons" completely naked.
  2. Taoist breast massage for women allows not only to reveal their sexual potential, but also to normalize the menstrual cycle, and improve overall health. It is worth taking a vessel that fits perfectly in shape to the chest or just use the palm of your hand. It is necessary to take the chest in hand and slowly make nine rotational movements clockwise, starting from the shoulder. It is important that the massage does not stretch the skin. Then the breast is covered with a palm and makes easy pressing. Make sure that the center of the palm coincides with the nipple. Do 10 repetitions on exhalation. During the massage you need to think about your beauty and love.
  3. Daoist practice for women - "Breathing with the Ovaries." Helps accumulate sexual energy, improve blood circulation in pelvic organs. It is worth placing on the edge of the chair so that the legs are parallel to each other and are on the width of the shoulders. Put your hands on your knees with your hands up. You need to relax and feel as much as the body is filled with love. At this point, it is recommended to remember events that bring happiness and cause a smile. Then the hands should be placed on the ovaries area, somewhere 3 fingers above the pubic and, making a light massage, feel how the organs fill with heat and release energy. At this point, there may be a slight tingling, swelling and tension in this zone. The next step is to imagine that the ovaries are the lungs into which air enters through the vagina. Visualize how the pink light enters the inhalation, and exhale dark. In this case, you need to strain and relax the abdominal muscles . The recommended number of repetitions is 90-180 times. Then you need to concentrate all the energy in the navel area and put your hands on it, making circular massage movements that one way, then the other. Similar Taoist practices for the ovaries and uterus should be done in the morning and evening.

Any occupation must be ended with gratitude, and it must be expressed to itself. It is important to imagine how each particle of the body shines with energy and radiates love. After a few practices, you can already notice the first changes in life.