Diet Kovalkov - the menu

Dr. Kovalkov is a Russian nutritionist, a developer of a diet for weight loss. In his book "The Technique of Doctor Kovalkov: Victory over Weight," he described in detail how a diet for weight loss to turn into a full-fledged diet for a lifetime. With the help of the diet menu Kovalkova grow thin and on his own, and in his clinics. The very system of short and rapid achievement of the result is not different, but it allows you to completely get rid of harmful eating habits.

Rules of the diet Kovalkova

The diet menu of Alexei Kovalkov is divided into stages. Begin weight loss should be from the preparatory stage.

Preparatory stage

The first part of the diet is precisely aimed at curbing the appetite , getting used to small portions. For this, first of all, the menu of the preparatory stage of the diet of Dr. Kovalkov completely excludes the presence of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.

We exclude:

The more strongly you are attached to the above products, the longer you need to be in the preparatory stage - from two to four weeks.

Stage Two

It is important to cleanse the body of the products of decay, activate metabolism, accustom yourself to small portions. The duration of the second stage is up to two weeks. The menu of the second stage of the Kovalkov diet is designed for a week:

Before breakfast you need to go for a walk at a fast pace.

Stage Three

The third stage lasts from 1 to 7 months, the most active fat burning occurs here.

The approximate menu of the Kovalkov diet is as follows:

Stage Four

It is this stage that is the final of the Kovalkov diet. It is assumed that the following menu will be your main diet for life: