Unloading day on apples

Among all other fasting days, the apple day can be called, perhaps, the most useful for the human body. Absolutely all modern medical studies recognize a fasting day on apples as an ideal part of any correct and fast diet.

Here are some of the reasons why dietitians consider apples to be the most suitable food for an effective day of unloading:

  1. Apples contain very few calories, but despite this, they are able to provide our body with ample energy.
  2. Apples help the body break down and bring out more fat than usual. This is a complex and not well-known process. Apples slow digestion, and it is for this reason that the pectins and fructose contained in them, contribute to better processing of fat by the liver. Thus, an apple unloading day will help faster burning of fat stored in the body.
  3. With laxative properties, apples effectively balance the metabolism and facilitate the functioning of the stomach. Therefore, by arranging yourself every one or two weeks an apple unloading day, you will be able to remove from the body accumulated in it unnecessary slag.

Let's also say about why apples should be in our diet every day - and not just on fasting days:

  1. Apples are fruits that contain more than 300 nutrients and acids. All of them unusually help the work of our liver, and malic acid promotes the dissolution of gallstones. In the evening, before going to bed, be sure to eat one apple.
  2. Apples help people with atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  3. People who suffer from constipation can eat 2-3 apples in the morning on an empty stomach for a cure for one to two months.

How to spend a fasting day on apples?

All you have to do is choose 1.5-2 kilograms of your favorite apple variety and evenly eat this amount throughout the day. You should also drink a day before 2 liters of water.

Three unloading days on apples

Edgar Cayce offers such a diet of detoxification. It lasts three days and is an effective method of cleaning the body, allowing you to take advantage not only of the benefits of malic acid - which helps weight loss, but also a lot of plant fibers and pectin - that support healthy bowel work.

Program of the diet (from 1 st to 3 rd day):

Diet rules:

Not allowed:

After the end of the diet, follow a balanced and healthy nutrition program.

Before you start these days off, ask the advice of the doctor you trust.

Unloading day on apples with yogurt or cottage cheese

Kefir as well as apples, very well helps to reduce body fat. Therefore, the combination of yogurt and apples will also be an ideal unloading day to lose weight. For a day it is recommended to eat 1.5 kilograms of apples and drink 1.5 liters of kefir.

Kefir-apple unloading day can be replaced with curd-apple. On this unloading day you will stock 1-1.5 kilograms of apples and 400-600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese - which you divide into 6 portions and eat during the day. Do not forget to drink water.