Menu for losing weight by 10 kg

Effective diet for weight loss of 10 kg should be calculated not for one week, the minimum time - a month. The weight should go away gradually, otherwise you do not need to count on saving the result. Rapid weight loss of 10 kg can lead to different health problems, and weight, most likely, will return in doubled size. To achieve the result, it is recommended to combine an effective diet for weight loss by 10 kg and regular exercise. In the menu you can make changes using equivalent dishes.

Approximate diet for weight loss of 10 kg

If you want to make a figure slim, then give up on high-calorie food, replacing it with a healthy one.

Variants of the menu for weight loss of 10 kg:

  1. In the morning, you can have 2 eggs, cooked soft-boiled, vegetable salad (dressing - olive oil) and green tea. For a snack, you should take salad leaves and 50 grams of low-fat cheese. In the afternoon, you can have a pair of grilled meats, a serving of vegetable salad and unsweetened tea. On a snack drink 1 tbsp. kefir and eat a handful of berries. Dinner menu: boiled fish fillet, baked vegetables with herbs and cheese. Before going to bed, you can 1 tbsp. kefir.
  2. For breakfast, cook two eggs with an omelette with tomatoes, celery, greens and 50 grams of cheese, and drink green tea. For a snack 1 tbsp. yogurt with berries. At lunch, eat steamed fish fillet and vegetable soup, and for a mid-morning snack kefir with berries. In the evening you can afford veal on the grill, steam cauliflower with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and green tea. Before going to bed, you can have lean milk or kefir.
  3. For breakfast, prepare berry smoothies and green tea . The second breakfast menu is rich: boiled breast and "salsa". In the afternoon, you can steam fish fillet and noodles with mushrooms. For a snack, eat 55 grams of cheese and a slice of celery. In the evening, you can afford a pair of chests, steam asparagus with cheese and tea.