ABC diet

Some diets, despite a hard diet, instantly become popular and gain a lot of adherents. One of these diets is the ABC diet. It is claimed that you can lose weight in this way without physical and moral violence against yourself, but it is worth looking at the diet, and these bright promises no longer seem fair. And yet, what is it - the ABC diet?

ABS diet (or traffic light)

This diet is designed for 50 days, for which guaranteed to gain harmony, anyone who will withstand it. The diet is often called a traffic light - it divides products into prohibited, allowed and restricted, which are allowed to eat only until six in the evening.

So, consider the menu of the ABC diet in more detail. Products are divided into the following groups:

  1. Red light (prohibited products) :
    • fast food, mayonnaise;
    • ice cream, sweet products with cream;
    • beer, champagne;
    • milk, soda;
    • fatty meat and fat;
    • white bread and all flour, yeast.
  2. Yellow light (foods that can be eaten before 6 pm) :
    • sausages, sausages, lean meat, low-fat meat products, chicken;
    • porridge on the water (except for semolina), pasta;
    • pastry from puff pastry;
    • ketchup, coffee, spices;
    • chocolate, sugar candies;
    • pickles;
    • cheese, cottage cheese;
    • fruits and dried fruits.
  3. Green light (these products can be eaten unlimitedly, at any time) :
    • cabbage, greens, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots;
    • vegetable and olive oil;
    • buckwheat, bread without yeast;
    • seafood, boiled fish;
    • light yogurt, kefir;
    • apples, citrus;
    • 2 boiled eggs daily.

On such a diet is really easy to lose weight, because it excludes high-calorie foods and leaves in the diet all the lungs. In addition, the diet you paint yourself, which means that the food will be varied, not template. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

ABC Diet: 50 days

"Ana Boot Camp" (ABC) is a more stringent diet option. In this case, you need to keep a nutrition diary and adhere to a certain caloric threshold, which is different for each day. It is very strict, but there are versions of the diet of ABS - light and superlight. These are lightweight options. Consider the classic - it prescribes only the number of calories (listed the day - and the number of total calories for it):

Surely at this point you already remembered the dubious words that this diet allows you to do without violence against yourself. On some days, the diet is 200 calories - and this is just one cup of coffee with milk and sugar. Undoubtedly, such a meager diet can lead to a deterioration in health and a lack of result in losing weight. Moreover, you can even gain fat! After all, the body will lack energy, which it will convulsively store from incoming food to fat, and get it will be, destroying your muscles. In addition, this diet greatly slows the metabolism.

However, there are also much lighter versions - the ABC light and superlight diet, in which the daily calorie values ​​are doubled or tripled. This option is much easier to implement, although it also seems not the most optimal when choosing a diet.