Diet on oatmeal porridge

Diet on oatmeal porridge - one of the most effective mono-diet, designed for a week. It helps to say goodbye to 3-5 kilograms. In addition, unlike most other mono-diets, oatmeal, not only is not contraindicated to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but on the contrary, it helps to regulate the digestive organs and improve their well-being. In addition, oatmeal, or rather oat bran - a wonderful addition to the Ducane diet, but the oatmeal itself with this diet is prohibited.

How to cook dietetic oatmeal?

The basic rule of cooking oatmeal for this diet - it is cooked on the water, so losing weight will be more effective. Also, the addition of butter and sugar is excluded.

Porridge from whole grains of oats



First you need to prepare the rump. To do this, wash it, fill it with water and leave it for about 5 hours. Then merge the water, rinse, cover the prepared cereal in a saucepan with 0.6 liters (3 cups) of cold water, and cook on low heat for 40 minutes. Then add the remaining water, add salt, cook the porridge until it thickens (about 30 minutes). Serve cereal by adding vegetable oil, fruit and spices to it.

Such porridge is one of the most healthy varieties of oatmeal, contains a maximum of useful substances, with a minimum of calories.

Oat flakes porridge



Flakes pour water at room temperature, leave for the night. In principle, this stage can and be limited, so in oatmeal will be more useful substances. But if this does not suit you, then you can take the quantity of flakes necessary for one portion, place them in boiling water (the ratio of flakes and water is 1: 1.25) and boil on low heat for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly. Salt, turn off the heat and let stand under the lid for 5 minutes.

Such oatmeal porridge is a wonderful variant of breakfast, both during the diet and outside it.