The Most Effective Day of Unloading

Many nutritionists believe that periodically arrange for unloading days is useful not only for the figure, but also for the digestive system, because it allows the body to relax and get rid of accumulated toxic substances.

How to spend the most effective unloading day?

  1. It is very important that on this day you have a normal mood and well-being, because the use of only one product will require willpower and a good mood.
  2. On such days, the body has the opportunity to get rid of toxins, and to make this process more effective, try to consume enough clean water.
  3. To the unloading day it is necessary to prepare, gradually reducing portions of food.
  4. Also, slowly increase the amount of food after a fasting day.

Effective Unloading Days

Many argue that it is easier to carry out "unloading" by including rice croup in your menu. The presence in it of complex carbohydrates relieves the feeling of hunger, and the abundance of fiber - a natural adsorbent, contributes to the removal of degradation products. To carry out a fasting day, you need to cook a glass of rice and distribute the resulting porridge for 3-4 servings, which should be eaten during the day. As snacks, you can eat 2-3 average apples.

Effective unloading days for weight loss are convenient to spend on seasonal vegetables or fruits. For example, in the autumn you can easily arrange a day on apples, eating them a day to 1.5 kilograms. More sparing option - kefir-apple day. It provides 6 meals, including half a glass of low-fat kefir and one medium apple.

On the question of whether discharge days are effective, most people who satisfy them give a positive answer. The result depends on how well you prepare for this day and how exactly you follow the conditions. Find out which day is the most efficient for you, you can only by your own experience. However, many agree that the day spent on brown (unpolished) rice gives a good result.