Diet with peptic ulcer disease

Helicobacter pylory - a microorganism that provokes the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Alas, destroying this microorganism, ulcer is not considered cured, because it is necessary, perhaps, a lifelong new diet, which excludes everything that used to eat not peptic ulcers.

The diet for gastric ulcer consists of products irritating the mucous membrane. Firstly, these are products that stimulate gastric secretion, in fact hydrochloric acid is precisely the main enemy of the peptic ulcer. Secondly, we mean the mechanical stimulation of foods rich in fiber.

Forbidden Products

Therefore, first of all, nutrition with peptic ulcer of the stomach excludes the following products:

Proceeding from this, it is easy to conclude that the diet for peptic ulcer will be based on products that do not stimulate the secretory activity of the stomach, leaving it quickly, without delaying, and, moreover, softening and moisturizing the affected mucous membrane.

Permitted products

These products include:

Diet during an exacerbation

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition during an exacerbation, because if you take it lightly to this period, the disease will necessarily worsen. Diet in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer contains a minimum irritating mucous membrane products, almost completely eliminates vegetables and fruits . Food should be divided - 5-6 times a day, food temperature between 15 and 65 ⁰С.

Your goal in the period of exacerbation is to give the ulcers to heal, reduce the pain syndrome, normalize the motor skills and the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract.

The menu will mainly consist of mucous milk soups with any cereals. In soups we add cream, dry milk mixture, butter.

Meat and fish dishes - in boiled and steam form, as a souffle, once a day. Of course, the skin, veins, tendons should be previously removed.

Vegetable side dishes are excluded.

Once a day, you should eat porridge with the addition of milk or cream, the croup may be any, except wheat.

From dairy products you are recommended whole milk and steam dishes from cottage cheese. And butter should be added already in the finished dish. In addition, special attention should be given to natural yogurt in the diet of the peanut. As we have already said, the causative agent of an ulcer is an intestinal bacterium, which can be helped by useful Lactic acid microorganisms contained in natural yoghurt.

Of the drinks should stay on the broth of wild rose, exclude all spices, spices, and as desserts, use jelly from sweet berries. In your menu you need to turn on honey. It can extinguish a "fire" in the digestive tract, significantly reduce pain, and enrich your diet with food. We eat honey on an empty stomach in the morning and add it to the ready meals.

Very often the period of an exacerbation is transferred in a confinement, it is necessary to consider it at caloric intake at an ulcer.

The duration of compliance with this diet depends on the degree of exacerbation. Usually, further patients go to the main ulcer diet, but any corrections in the diet should be made exclusively by the doctor.