Hospital care for children - registration and payment of a sheet of incapacity for work

If a child catches a disease, then he needs a bed rest. A hospital child care provider will give parents the opportunity to stay close, providing absolute comfort and support. Together with medications, this will speed up the process of recovery and recovery from illness.

How to apply for a sick leave?

The bulletin is given if the child has a fever, severe pain in the abdomen, the doctor has determined the presence of an infectious disease. It does not matter where the treatment is. You should know how to take a hospital care child. It is required to write a statement, necessarily indicating the reason for the unplanned "leave". The doctor in the clinic will indicate the name of the relative who is with the child. In order to open a hospital for the care of a child you will need to have only a passport with you.

If at first one kid becomes ill, and after him the rest, leave is prolonged. He closes after the recovery of the last of the children. If the institution quarantines, the document is not issued. However, if you leave a child with no one, one of the parents can issue a certificate from the Sanitary Station about quarantine, after which he will stay home with the children for several days. Such a pass of work is not paid. It is important to remember that the document is issued for free.

Who can sit with the child on a sick leave?

Not always my mother has the opportunity to stay at home, then you can take a sick child to care for your father. With you should take an identity card and a child's medical record. You will be asked the name of the company where you will carry the application. If two children are both ill in the family, two parents / relatives can take paid compensatory time off. To extend the number of days of "leave", you should accompany the patient to visit the clinic and provide your passport by signing a new application.

You can also open it to your grandmother, grandfather or guardian. This is possible if each of the above-mentioned persons is employed and contributes social insurance contributions. Otherwise, the missed days of service will not be paid. After registration, do not miss appointments by the doctor if you do not want to receive a note with a note about violation of the regime (missed days will not be paid).

How many years have they been given a sick leave with a child?

The age of the child is also an important nuance. It is necessary to understand more precisely, to what age the child is given a sick mother. If the child has not yet celebrated the fifteenth birthday, then there will be no problems with the paperwork. When the patient turns fifteen, he is issued for a limited time (up to three working days for each type of disease).

How much can you sit on a sick-list with a child?

When signing the application, consider the age of the baby. The number of days in which you will be exempt from work, directly depends on the years of the child. You should know when opening a hospital with a child, how many days it will last:

  1. Less than 7 years. The bulletin is signed for the entire period. Important! A maximum of 60 days is paid out of 365. If this period is exhausted, the adult will be absent from work without the threat of dismissal, however, there will be no material compensation.
  2. From 7 to 15. No more than fifteen days for each of the cases of the disease. A total of forty-five paid days a year.
  3. Older than 15. Signed for three days (maximum seven days by decision of the hospital commission) for each of the cases. A maximum of thirty days.

There are several exceptions to the law:

  1. Up to 7 with severe illnesses (oncology, tuberculosis, asthma, diabetes, etc.). Up to 90 paid out of 365 days.
  2. 7-15 years with a disability. Allocate up to 120 days.
  3. Up to 15 years with HIV. The entire period of stay in the hospital is paid.
  4. Up to 15 years with cancer , malaise as a result of vaccination.

Hospital for the care of disabled children

Treatment in the hospital or out-patient, when full and daily care is required for a weak patient, a sick leave sheet for the care of a disabled child up to fifteen years is opened without any labor to any relative. Taking care of the baby, the relative can apply for leave up to 120 days a year for each of the parents working as a grandparent / guardian.

Payment of sick leave for child care

If the registration is not on weekdays, but on weekends, the social service will refuse to issue money for the missed office hours. An obligatory condition is the issuance of it on a working day, when the young patient is still in a weakened state and needs the care of relatives and their constant presence. The payment is influenced by the way the therapy is provided: outpatient or inpatient. For inpatient treatment, payment is made in the same amount as with an adult illness. If treatment is outpatient, only ten days are paid in full, all subsequent payments by 50%.

This amount is affected by the total length of service and the average salary. That is, the sick leave sheet for the care of the child and his payment includes such items:

How is the hospital child care calculated?

Calculation of the amount depends on the length of service of the citizen and his salary. The payment of funds is made from the enterprise's profits in the first 3 days, and then from the social insurance fund. Percentage of payment for hospital care for a child:

How is the hospital child care paid?

As stated above, the amount of financial charges for days off from work is directly related to years of service and monthly salary of the employee. To understand how the hospital is charged for child care, you need to calculate everything correctly. The total number of payments is calculated in a simple way: the total income of the worker of the enterprise rises in two years, in which the insurance premium was calculated, the deduced figure is divided into seven hundred and thirty days. The resulting value is the average daily earnings.

The allowance must be accrued within ten days of the opening of the bulletin. It turns out that the full amount for the officially missed days will come to your account in one day together with the nearest salary. If by somebody's inattention the accrual time was ignored, then for each of the days of waiting the employee is paid compensation.

Frequent hospital with a child - can they fire?

How many times you can take a sick leave for a child depends on the number of years. We spoke about this above. If less than 7 - up to sixty days out of 365. From 7 to 15 years, paper is issued for 45 days a year. The number of ballots is not limited to those whose children are in the hospital. When treating at home, the hospital child care is opened according to the general rules.

According to the Labor Code, firing for frequent sick leave, if you do not exceed the limit of days, are not eligible. At the same time in some enterprises, the authorities are not ready to keep an employee who always takes an unplanned vacation. A person can be asked to leave "voluntarily" or create conditions for psychological pressure, persecution. If such a situation occurs, it is necessary to apply to the Labor Inspectorate. In addition, the authorities have the right to transfer to another position with lesser pay.