Leukoplakia of the bladder - symptoms and treatment

Leukoplakia of the bladder, of the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed below, is a chronic disorder in which the cells of the transitional epithelium lining the cavity of this organ are replaced by a flat epithelium. As a result of such changes, areas appear that are covered with cornified epithelium. This phenomenon is dangerous, primarily because such a tissue in no way protects the walls of the bladder from the harmful effects of urine on them. As a result, chronic inflammation develops. The leading role in the development of the disorder is played by infection.

What are the symptoms of bladder leukoplakia?

The first symptom of the disorder is pain in the pelvic region, which is chronic, i.e. bother a woman for quite some time. However, there is a violation of the process of urination. It is worth noting that with leukoplakia of the neck of the bladder, these symptoms are more pronounced. The process of urination at the same time is accompanied by cutting pain sensations, a strong burning sensation. In most cases, the pain is dull, aching, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the bladder. At the stage of exacerbation, the symptoms listed above are joined by the signs of cystitis, namely:

How is the treatment of leukoplakia of the bladder?

The tactics of therapeutic actions in such a violation directly depends on the stage of the process and the extent of organ damage. Therefore, before treating leukoplakia of the bladder, carry out a thorough diagnosis.

The basis of therapy is antibacterial drugs, which are selected according to the type of pathogen identified.

Along with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, restorative drugs, immunocorrectors are prescribed: Diucifone, Tactivin, Myelopid.

In order to reduce the effect of urine on the damaged walls of the bladder, instillations (irrigation) are prescribed. Antiseptic solutions are used: hyaluronic acid, heparin, chondroitin.

Treatment of leukoplakia of the bladder with folk remedies

There is a mass of folk remedies used for this violation. However, they are all considered as an additional method of treating the disease.

So, often use birch tar, which is drunk, bred with warm milk. For local treatment, marigold and St. John's wort are performed, alternately.