Apple vinegar for weight loss

Apple cider vinegar is a kind of concentrate of all useful substances of apples. It contains iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium , as well as organic acids and flavonoids. Not surprisingly, with this composition, women use it with might and main, both internally and externally. And most often, apple cider vinegar is taken for weight loss.

Here there is one erroneous opinion: the intake of apple cider vinegar for weight loss is not a diet at all, but a way of improving the whole organism. You do not have to adhere to any strict dietary rules (although it's still necessary to refine your gastronomic habits). Apple cider vinegar helps to lose weight due to:

In a word, apple cider vinegar heals the whole digestive tract, which we have clogged with the consumption of harmful food, overeating, unbalanced nutrition. Apple cider vinegar does not burn fat! Weight loss occurs gradually, as well as self-healing, you will lose up to 3 kg per month, but the result will not dissipate after the end of taking vinegar. Now, let's talk about what apple cider vinegar to choose for weight loss.

The choice of vinegar

Here you should not save, because one bottle of vinegar is enough for a very long time. Vinegar choose only natural, watch for the composition, some manufacturers cheat and dilute the usual table vinegar with apple essence. Table vinegar is made artificially and this mixture does not enrich us with useful properties of apples, but can cause gastritis or burn digestive organs. In natural apple cider vinegar, the strength is 4-5%, while for artificial apple vinegar it is 8-9%.


On how to take apple cider vinegar there are many opinions, especially, this concerns dosage. However, there is no need to hurry, because increasing the dose can lead to gastritis and heartburn.

For 1 glass of water (200 ml), add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar (10ml), to improve the taste, you can also add a teaspoon of honey. We drink this "healing potion" in the morning on an empty stomach only once a day, 15-20 minutes before eating. And, you need to eat just after 15-20 minutes (not later, and not earlier) otherwise you risk yourself to do harm.

Drink water with apple cider vinegar only through straw, since otherwise vinegar will corrode enamel. After taking, rinse your mouth with water.

Preparation of apple cider vinegar at home

In order to cook apple cider vinegar at home , pour finely chopped and washed apples with hot water (60 - 70 ° C) so that the water covers the raw material by 3-4 cm above. Add sugar, 1 kg of acidic apples - 100 grams, and 1 kg of sweet apples - 50 g. Vinegar is made in enameled dishes. For two weeks we leave to wander in a warm room, twice a day, stirring with a spoon.

Then filter and pour into bottles, not adding a little to the surface.

Already in bottles we leave to wander in a warm place also for two weeks. After the expiry of the term, we stop bottles and store them in a dark, cool place.


Apple cider vinegar has no side effects, as it is a 100% natural product. However, if you are allergic to apples, do not experiment.

The intake of apple cider vinegar for weight loss, alas, has its own contraindications. From its consumption should be abandoned by the patient:

Such people should find another means of cleaning the body.

Now you know everything you need to begin to clean and lose weight with apple cider vinegar. Try this ingenious and simple remedy and patiently wait for the effect, be sure - you will not only see it on the dial of the scales, but you will feel it internally.