Herbs for improving metabolism

Before the appearance of medicine, which we call traditional today, people have been treated independently by herbs. This speaks, first of all, that the person was closer to nature, he was able to recognize the clues of the mother of the Earth and to use her gifts. Today, phytotherapy is for many a lot of shamans and sorcerers, and in fact, even the most innocuous grasses with competent admission can cure us of the most complex ailments, and there are examples. Next, we will consider what herbs should be taken to improve metabolism, and what is their "miraculous power".

If you want to speed up the metabolism , or restore it after the illness, you need to decide how to achieve it. After all, all herbs achieve the same effect by different methods, namely, according to the principle of action, and separate the herbs for metabolism:

  1. Suppressing appetite - angelica officinalis, flax seeds, bubbly ficus.
  2. Diuretic and activating bile excretion - wormwood, cornflower, tansy, barberry, dandelion.
  3. Restoring the work of the digestive tract - dill, fennel, anise.
  4. Accelerating metabolism - ginger, rosemary, peppers, turmeric.
  5. Laxatives - chamomile, yarrow, dill, buckthorn, hay.

So, to accelerate the metabolism, you can use all herbs at the same time. This means that you should choose one type from each subgroup, and in equal proportions weld the broth. This is the easiest way.

Normalization of metabolism with the help of herbs can be both an independent method of achieving the desired, and part of your complex treatment. However, note that when using exclusively herbs to normalize the metabolism, your weight will decrease very slowly, about 0.5-0.7 kg per week. On the other hand, the effect will last longer.

Herbs can be combined with exercise and nutrition. Consume more fiber, and the work of the intestine is normalized very quickly. Include in your diet kefir - and the microflora will recover. Pay attention to products-fat burners, for example, grapefruit. And, of course, eat regularly, in small portions, but do not starve. Long-term fasting (even a prolonged diet) contributes to a slowdown in metabolic processes, as the body understands that the "hungry times" have come and it is necessary to save more subcutaneous fat.

When taking herbs to increase metabolism, it is necessary to realize that you are not just drinking herbal tea, it is a kind of medicine. There are some rules:

If you do not adhere to these basic rules, do not be surprised that some allergic reactions may occur, in the form of:


Herbs for the restoration of metabolism are contraindicated to take:

  1. During pregnancy - some herbs can contribute to uterine contractions, and as a result - miscarriage.
  2. In diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  3. With an acute tendency to allergic reactions.
  4. In addition, everyone can have an individual sensitivity to a particular herb, which means it is better to consult a therapist beforehand.

And, several collections of herbs for metabolism in the end.

Recipe 1



Brew 4 tbsp. Collect 1 liter of boiling water, insist 3-4 hours and take throughout the day for a glass before eating.

Recipe 2



To make 2 items of l. collecting 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist and take in the morning and before dinner for half a glass.