Flat feet in children

The structure of the foot of the baby is slightly different from the adult. At first glance it may seem that it is absolutely flat, but this opinion is erroneous. In the process of growth and development, the foot undergoes a number of changes, as a result, outlines appear, as in adults.

Causes of flatfoot

But still, flat feet in children is a very real problem. Since birth, the baby's foot is filled with a fatty layer. It is because of this that the impression of a flattened outline appears. From the moment when the child began to walk, this layer gradually becomes thinner and completely disappears. In addition, there is strengthening of the ligaments and muscles of the arch of the foot. And now, at about the age of three, its imprint becomes adult.

But if something went wrong, then the probability of earning this disease is high. So, the main reasons for flat feet in children are the following circumstances:

  1. Hereditary factors - if one of the relatives complained of the symptoms associated with ligamentous apparatus disorders, muscle weakness and the like, the likelihood is high that the baby will also suffer from orthopedic problems.
  2. Shoes are not in size - too narrow or wide and flat on the sole.
  3. Hypermobility of the joints.
  4. Large loads on the lower limbs, for example, with excessive body weight.
  5. The presence of diseases such as rickets or cerebral palsy.
  6. The presence of a history of trauma to the foot and nearby joints.

Clinical symptoms and types

Now we will try to understand how to recognize the flat feet of a child, and how this pathology manifests itself. Depending on the cause, several types of flat feet in children are distinguished, for example, such as paralytic, rachic, traumatic and static. In addition, there is a congenital form.

Also distinguish five variants of the disease, depending on the type of deformation:

  1. Valgus flatfoot in children, which occurs most often. In this case, the foot "falls" inward.
  2. Varus installation is a rare pathology. Unlike the first variant of the stop, it "falls" outside.
  3. Longitudinal flat feet in children is characterized by a flattening of the external and internal arch.
  4. The transverse flatfoot in children is the norm at the age of up to 10 years. In this condition, flattening is noted in the anterior section.
  5. Combined platypodia in children or longitudinally transverse. Based on the name, it is clear that this deformation combines the features of the two previous ones.

In general, the symptoms of flat feet in children depend on the type of appearance of the deformation. In addition, rapid fatigue, swelling and pain in the lower limbs, constant tension in the calf muscles can be observed. But the most important thing that dangerous flat feet in children is a change in gait and a violation of posture.

For the purpose of diagnosis, you can conduct a test at home. To do this, enough to lubricate the baby's foot with any coloring material, and then leave it imprinted on a piece of paper. According to the received figure, the result is estimated.

Treatment of children's flat feet

Of course, many worried parents are interested in whether the flat foot is treated in a child and, if so, what should be done? Usually therapy of this condition is very successful and almost always leads to complete recovery. In very rare, neglected cases, surgical intervention may be required. The main task of treatment is to strengthen the muscles and ligament apparatus of the arch of the foot. For this purpose, they are prescribed physical therapy and massage . It is also important to use special orthopedic insoles or shoes.