General blood test - normal in children

The norm of the parameters of the general analysis of blood in children depends, first of all, on the age of the baby. This study is an integral part of the diagnostic process of any disease and allows you to assign the right treatment. Given that babies often fall ill, it is often carried out.

In what cases are deviations from the norm possible?

Quite often when assessing the results of a general blood test in children, the indicators do not correspond to normal values. At the same time, any indicator can be presented in three forms: it can be normal, low or high.

Thus, the increase in the number of red blood cells in children can talk about the lack of fluid in a small organism and is often observed in dehydration, which accompanies such disorders as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, etc. But the reverse phenomenon, when red blood cells are below normal, is a symptom of a disease such as anemia, which can be caused by malnutrition with a deficiency of protein and iron, suffered from blood loss, a serious blood disease (eg, leukemia).

Such an indicator of a general blood test, like leukocytes, in children up to a year differs from the values ​​of older children. The increase in the number of these cells is gradual, and in a year is 6-12, while in children 6-12 years - at the rate of 10-17. Often in children, an increase in the number of these blood cells is observed after vaccination. Reduction in the number of leukocytes is observed in viral diseases and with prolonged, slow inflammatory processes.

The change in such an indicator, as neutrophils, most often speaks of an inflammatory process in the body of a baby. Any bacterial, infectious diseases, from a sore throat or a bronchitis to an intestinal infection, an inflammation of the lungs, will be accompanied by such a change.

The mismatch of platelets to normal indicators of the general analysis of blood in children, can speak of violations such as abnormal blood coagulation, hemophilia, lupus.

How is the evaluation of the results of a general blood test done?

To compare the obtained values ​​of the parameters of the general blood test performed in children with the norm, only the doctor should do it. Only in this case, the correct interpretation is possible, which must be carried out taking into account the developmental features of the child, his age and general condition.