Logoneurosis in children

Children, unlike adults, are very emotional and impressionable. Unexpected frights, fears and nervous strains can cause psychoemotional shocks, leading to a logoneurosis in the child, in other words, stuttering.

What is logoneurosis?

Stammering or logoneurosis is a violation of the usual rhythm of speech, smoothness of voice and breathing, accompanied by repetition of syllables and sounds, stopping during conversation. This condition causes convulsions of the muscles of the speech apparatus (lips, larynx, tongue). When a child is nervous, such manifestations intensify.

Stuttering is very difficult in the treatment of neurotic disorder, which usually appears in children 3 to 5 years of age, when the speech function has not yet been fully formed. The boys are most vulnerable to logoneurosis, because their emotional stability at this age is lower than that of girls.

Logoneurosis - reasons

The main source of the disease are violations of the normal activity of the nervous system (its weakness and various failures). Often the appearance of logoneurosis is promoted by hereditary predisposition. Provoke stuttering can and diseases of speech organs or exhaustion of the body after the diseases (typhoid, whooping cough). Babies who late started talking can get stuttering due to rapid development of speech. But the main causes of logoneurosis remain the stress and fright of the child .

Treatment of logoneurosis in children

For the treatment of logoneurosis at home, first of all, it is recommended to create a quiet environment in the family, avoid conflicts, quarrels, conversations in elevated tones. Do not allow the child to watch TV for a long time. Try to limit it from overexcitation and excessive number of impressions. Observe a clear daily routine, the baby should sleep at least 9-10 hours a day. Usually this problem is curable. An individual approach in how to treat the logoneurosis of your child will help to form a speech therapist and psychotherapist. The kid can do special speech therapy and breathing exercises.

In the general complex of measures, medicamentous treatment of the logoneurosis is also used. Basically, these are anticonvulsant and nootropic drugs, tranquilizers, which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. If necessary, you can take soothing tinctures and decoctions of herbs (for example, decoction of the motherwort).