What is a habit - useful and harmful habits, their prevention

Habit - on this subject there are many aphorisms and proverbs. What is the habit - the writer Mark Twain remarkably expressed that this is something that you will not throw out the window, and only politely from the step to the step you can bring it down the stairs.

What is the habit - the definition

Habit - the mechanism of behavior worked out as a result of repeated repetition, becoming automaticity - action on "autopilot". At the same time, stable neural connections are formed in the brain, which are difficult to destroy afterwards, this takes time. Good and bad habits are formed as a result of positive emotional reinforcement.

What are the habits?

In society, it is considered that there are useful and harmful habits. But that for one a bad habit (for a workaholic, relaxation and rest are like death), for another it is the basis of a harmonious existence. It can be unequivocally said that useful habits make life more saturated, and harmful, for the most part, those that slowly kill a person's health, his belief in himself.

Useful habits

To have good habits is the dream of any sane person, but what is a useful habit? This is what gives energy and strength, leads a person to the goal and dreams come true, prolongs life and gives a sense of confidence in every day, something that keeps you afloat among everyday stresses. Constructive and healthy habits:

Bad habits

What is a malicious or bad habit? Very often in the category of these fall ordinary non-ideal person, for which he scolds himself, but continues to do, because this is the "second nature." The habit of "being good" is often harmful, it stops being spontaneous and creative. In the category of bad habits that are really destructive, those that are harmful to health and take a person away from real life in illusion.

What are the bad habits:

How are habits formed?

It has long been a proven fact that bad habits are formed faster than healthy ones, but the mechanisms of formation are the same for any kind of habits (be it the habits of successful people or those who consider themselves losers) - repeated repetition leads to consolidation. What else is embedded in the mechanism of the predilection:

How to get rid of bad habits?

How to get rid of bad habits in 3 days? No way. Before you get rid of what hinders, it is important to realize how this affects life. Return mentally at the time when the failure occurred and instead of confident behavior and problem solving, care has taken place in what today is an "integral" part of the character and it did not happen for 3 days. The road will be mastered by the going, it is important to approach the process of getting rid of the habit creatively with the elements of the game.

What you can rely on in the process:

  1. Clear understanding . For what we get rid of and what we cultivate in ourselves in return (emptiness must be filled with something alternative, but useful).
  2. Full responsibility . In the process of getting rid of bad habits, there can be disruptions, it is important to understand and recognize this without shifting responsibility to external circumstances, people.
  3. Face to face meeting . When feelings of anger, annoyance, irritation, anger arise in overcoming oneself, it is important to understand what all these emotions are, then it becomes clear that the person has been muffled with the help of habit.
  4. Accept your imperfection . Yes, all people experience this feeling, often the desire for the ideal is strongly hurting self-esteem and consolation is served by nicotine, food and alcohol, doing nothing. It is important to go at your own pace to the goal and compare only yourself with yourself yesterday.
  5. Creativity . In moments of strong temptation to go back, you can fool the brain by telling him: "I hear you, let's do it tomorrow", while finding a lesson for yourself in which you can plunge yourself.
  6. Time . At others it turned out, then it is possible. Remember that the point of time when new thinking will form and a useful habit will take hold - there is, mentally go there and imbue with those feelings and emotions from the victory over oneself.