
Do you think that you are being watched? Is there a feeling that something insidious is plotting against you? Congratulations, you have signs of paranoia, but that does not mean you are paranoid. By the way, people who live and do not know their diagnosis are millions, and people who know and live with this diagnosis are thousands. To be frightened it is not necessary, as they said in one of the films "there are not healthy people, there are under-researched". If you carefully observe any person you will find a lot of mental abnormalities or their symptoms.

The meaning of the word paranoid

In Greek, paranoia means insanity or insanity. A paranoid is a person who shows suspicion and distrust of others. In most cases, paranoia is hidden. If in time does not seek the help of specialists, then sooner or later a person becomes dangerous for society, since paranoia is just an intermediate stage from which a number of mental illnesses come out. Paranoid can reasonably and clearly explain the cause of suspicion and distrust of others. He takes everything at his own expense, even if it has nothing to do with him. A simple example is when a person will feel that he is being pursued, most importantly, he will know why he is being persecuted. The meaning of his life is a battle against the enemy (and this is a real man who fell under suspicion of paranoia). When he defeats the enemy - on the horizon appears the next enemy, even more insidious. However, if you look at this problem from the other side, and remember the personalities who made the history of the whole world, you can see that this illness did not hinder them, but rather led masses of people to exploits and wars. Even helped to gather all the will into a fist to achieve the goals of a paranoid leader. In history, we will find a mass of examples, when known paranoid suspected inflamed mind forced people to do the impossible.

How to live with a paranoid?

It's good to give advice when you do not directly face this illness. But when the affliction hits you, your loved ones or people who are dear to you, the question arises, "What if I'm paranoid? How to deal with paranoid? And what if my boyfriend or husband is paranoid? "At first glance, the answer is simple, if you love him, then you live with him. And how to live with a paranoid? And after all, many live and suffer all the antics of their husbands, boys explaining this by the fact that "after all, he is so miserable, who else he needs besides me?" I just want to say to such people - good luck. Anyway, for all your actions the paranoiac has its own answers and in which direction his thoughts are wrapped up, even he himself does not know. You felt sorry for him, and he decided that you were plotting against him another conspiracy and at the moment you are simply trying to lull his attention so that he trusts you. And his attention is on the brink of fantasy, he is very attentive to all the little things that happen around him. His head is constantly working out a plan for responding to possible attacks of ill-wishers. Well, if he still has the initial stage, and if your lover went on raznos with all the symptoms, it all depends on you. Either you help him to seek help from specialists (and immediately become his enemy number 1), or just leave. To get away from a person who has some kind of psychological deviations are almost impossible, especially if he is strongly attached to you. You have to just run. To explain something to a person who suspects you for no apparent reason is like jumping under a train and believing that he stops. And you can help him: the main thing is to have patience, calmness, understand how he perceives others and not give him a reason to feel that he is not like you. Step through yourself, agree with him, your differences will only worsen your relationship. The main thing is to believe in yourself that this ailment can be defeated. But this is possible only if you want the convalescence of a person close to you with all your heart and soul.

As a result of all the above, we should say that there are no terrible illnesses, there are close or surrounding people who do not want to help a loved one.