How to develop photographic memory?

Excellent visual memory, otherwise called photographic memory, is considered one of the special abilities of a person. Far from everyone, this quality is important, but for representatives of some professions, this property is simply necessary for good work. Therefore, the question of how to develop photographic memory is of interest to many people.

Methods of development of visual memory

If you are interested in the question, is it possible to develop photographic memory on your own, then it is enough to look at the experience of other people. The science of memory mnemonics offers various ways to improve memory with the help of exercises and exercises.

One of the most successful methods is visualization, which very quickly and effectively develops photographic memory. The essence of such trainings consists in memorization and reproduction from memory of various objects and pictures. Otherwise, this method is called the Aivazovsky method.

For training, you can use an object, a picture, a landscape, a photo or a person's face. Within 5 minutes you need to carefully look at the selected object, then close your eyes and try to reproduce the picture in memory with maximum accuracy in color and detail. The next step is to draw a picture from memory.

The next step and the continuation can be a combination exercise. The technique is similar to the previous one, but more complex. You need to remember part of the interior or landscape, and then select one foreign object and mentally transfer to the background of the previous picture.

Answering the question how to develop photographic memory, one can recall exercises with Shulte tables. Created for the development of speed reading techniques, these tables can serve as a material for improving peripheral vision and mindfulness. To work on them very easily, you just need to find in the cells of the table consecutive numbers.

Any loads of this kind help not only to improve memory, but also have a beneficial effect on the brain as a whole. It is important that training be regular and consistent with the gradual complication of tasks.