Foods containing fats

If you decide to follow your diet, it is very important to learn to understand foods that contain fats. This is the most powerful source of energy, however, depending on the type of fats, they can carry the body both benefit and harm.

Foods containing healthy fats

Useful fats that contain the necessary substances for the human body include monounsaturated (omega-9) and polyunsaturated (omega-3 and omega-6). You can receive them from the following products:

These types of fats are incredibly useful, improve metabolism and blood composition, increase vitality, contribute to appetite control and weight loss, activate anti-inflammatory actions, improve skin, hair and nails, promote normalization of the hormonal system. These fats should not be afraid - they are necessary for the body, and their exclusion from the diet will only harm your health.

Experts agree on the opinion that a person should receive at least 30 grams of fat per day, but not more than 100-150 (this is the standard for people who are engaged in bodybuilding or hard physical work).

What foods contain harmful fats?

The number of harmful fats includes saturated fats and trans fats (these are artificial fats). It is important to learn

If the previous category is simply enough to cut in your diet, then trans fats should be removed altogether. this is a direct way to obesity and health problems. They are found in cookies, donuts, baked goods, snacks, chips and similar products.