Male and female as proof of the duality of the world

The idea of ​​the duality of the world has long been voiced by philosophers, and its crown is the assumption that the male and female principles in man are intertwined. Their harmonious development opens the way to personal and professional success, otherwise contradictions will not allow to move forward.

What is the feminine principle?

This aspect of personality is connected with the way of perception of the world, so what is the feminine principle in a woman can be understood by referring to the eastern tradition. In it, Yin relates to the night, water, passivity and focus on the inner. Its manifestations are:

The symbol of the feminine

Representatives of the weaker sex have long been revered for their ability to give life, so references to the sacred feminine can be found in both texts and works of art. One of the most ancient signs is Yoni - a symbolic image of the vulva. Later, a more chaste sign of the feminine beginning, the mirror of Venus, looked like a circle with a cross under it.

The man's beginning in a woman is psychology

Modern science agrees with ancient philosophers about the presence of the male and female principles in the personality at the same time. If these parties are in conflict, then gradually these contradictions will lead to a crisis. The masculine principle in a woman is manifested by initiative, the desire for dominance, activity and the predominance of logic over emotions. These qualities sometimes have to be specially developed for professional success, but overdoing, you can get serious personal problems. Negation of the already existing "masculine" qualities will also affect negatively.

How to return the feminine?

Peculiarities of upbringing and the need to compete with men make the question of how to develop the female principle in oneself. It is not necessary to become an uninitiated gang, you just need to watch yourself and notice the moments in which the male energy is shown too clearly, creating an imbalance. After all that remains is to find a way to balance them, the following options will help in the search.

  1. Appearance. It is difficult to feel like a fragile young lady in an inexpressive suit, especially a trouser suit. Even with a dress code, you can find a way to look feminine, and in your spare time dresses and skirts should become faithful companions.
  2. Rest . The female principle is the work of the Yin energy, which is restored at night, so sleep should be given sufficient time. In addition, it is necessary to allocate a time when no one will distract from concentration on yourself. Fill this time you can beauty procedures, reading books , hobbies - any employment that gives peace of mind.
  3. Physical activity . A good option will be Pilates, yoga or running. The type of activity chosen should exclude competitiveness, otherwise Yan's energy will go into play, which will only aggravate the situation.
  4. Positive emotions . Anger and conflict are contrary to the female nature, so they need to be balanced by pleasant impressions.
  5. Meditation . They will help to calm down, concentrate on important things, removing the interfering garbage from your thoughts.

Mantra of the feminine

In the eastern tradition there is a practice of meditation on the mantra - the rhythmic utterance of prayers. They are different: some will help balance the male and female, others will attract money and success, others will have a healing effect. The mantra of the absolute feminine principle is aimed at restoring balance and energy. Her text: "Om Tare Tuttare Ture Sokha." It is necessary to pronounce it, adhering to the following rules.

  1. Prayer is repeated 9 times in a row.
  2. The words are pronounced singsong, there are no jerky and abrupt transitions.
  3. The duration of meditation is not limited.
  4. It is advisable to practice at dawn.
  5. Mantras are read sitting in any convenient pose.
  6. Before the beginning of meditation it is necessary to relax and clear thoughts of anxiety.
  7. The first words are pronounced in a whisper, gradually increasing the volume.

What is the masculine principle?

In the East, Jan (the masculine) is associated with day, fire, activity and orientation to external events. It manifests itself in:

Symbol of the masculine

The earliest notations are reduced to a symbolic depiction of the phallus, for example, to lingams. More famous is another sign, used in alchemy and astrology to designate Mars. It looks like a circle with an arrow going up and sideways. In the first case, the sign of the masculine signified the capacity for creation, the nascent power, and in the second, the military qualities are more reflected. Another ancient symbol of Yin and Yang shows that the male and female principles are inseparable and are called upon to complement each other. In the black drop there is a white dot, and in the black one there is a black dot, which indicates the dual nature of the person.

Female in man - psychology

No matter how brutal a man might seem, there are still some feminine features in him. This is a normal state, since without them an active conqueror would be difficult to interact with other people. With too much development of these qualities, a depressed masculine principle is observed, which leads to the following characteristic features in behavior.

  1. Lack of initiative.
  2. Desire to obey, weak character.
  3. Excessive emotion, cowardice, fear of responsibility.

The origins of these features are in upbringing. If a single woman grows a boy or he appears in a family with a courageous mother and a weak father, then the probability of entering adulthood with a complete lack of independent existence is great. Solve this problem, you can, but you will need a strong desire to work on yourself, which representatives of the stronger sex with the oppressed masculine head is often not enough.

How to develop a man's beginning?

Both philosophical doctrines and psychology believe that a developed masculine principle is a necessary condition for success, especially if it is a representative of the stronger sex. If this aspect has been suppressed during adulthood and continues to be oppressed, it is required to start working on its improvement if one wishes to change the existing situation. Help work with a specialist and self-study, from which you can identify the following.

  1. Search for problems. First, it is necessary to make a list of situations in which the male is suppressed, and the feminine principle comes to the fore. Then you need to imagine a way to fix those moments. After that, it will only be necessary to proceed with the implementation of the action plan. It is important to regularly train the desired qualities, so that their manifestation becomes a habit.
  2. Physical activity. Bringing in order your body will fill with the necessary energy for accomplishment. The sensation of power will help to use the masculine features and will not let you retreat before the difficulties.
  3. Meditation. A good auxiliary method for achieving harmony and concentration on your goal.

Mantra of the masculine

There are several options for such prayers for the stronger sex, but if there is a denial of the male principle, then the universal mantra will be a good option: "Isim Dzisim Opusim Pshvat" . It is desirable to say it 108 times, if there is time for so many repetitions, then you can reduce them to any number that is a multiple of 9. The rest of the reading rules coincide with the recommendations for reading the female mantra.

Harmonization of the female and masculine principles

In the personality there are two aspects simultaneously, but this does not mean the uniform development of both. The harmony of the feminine and masculine beginnings implies their acceptance, but leaving the leading role of the part corresponding to the sex. The following practices will help to balance the balance.

  1. Sun and moon. These luminaries are responsible for the energy of Yang and Yin, so meditation with their participation will help restore the balance between the two beginnings. To perform it you need to sit down or lie down in a comfortable position, with your hands palms up. First you need to imagine the Sun in the right hand, feel its energy, feel like a golden stream overflows the body and envelops the aura. Then attention is switched to the left palm, in which the Moon is located. With its silvery energy, you need to do the same, and then return to the Sun. Gradually it will be possible to keep both energies in view and interact with them.
  2. Two beginnings. In this meditation, it is necessary to invite the inner woman and the man in turn to the conversation. To do this, you need to relax, fill your body with energy and wait for the appearance before one's inner eye of one of the beginnings, it can look like a person or take the form of an animal. After talking with both, you need to see both beginnings at once to consider the relationship between them, the connections and the problems. After this, it is recommended to surround the images with energy, thank for the conversation and complete the meditation.