How to learn to jump high?

The height of the jump is important in many sports, including gaming, for example, in volleyball and basketball. That is why information on how to learn how to jump high is useful and relevant. If such a task is set, then it is necessary to work on an explosive force, which means the ability of muscles to lift the body to a certain height.

How to learn to jump high?

To achieve good results, it is recommended to choose a program that is used by bodybuilders. It is not recommended to exercise daily, because the muscles need time to recover. The maximum number of trainings is 4. Speaking about how to learn how to jump high, it is worth noting that the athlete must be hardy, strong and have good health. It is important and proper nutrition , since the presence of excess weight will not allow to achieve good results.

How to learn to jump high in the home - exercises:

  1. Jumping with a skipping rope. This is the simplest and most accessible exercise that is used by professional athletes. Jumping on the rope allows you to develop gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. To achieve good results, you need to push off the floor with both feet, while holding the ankle, as close to each other. You should start jumping from 15 minutes. and gradually increase the time to 30 minutes. It is important to practice every day.
  2. Squats with a jump. Talking about how you can learn to jump high, it is impossible not to remember this excellent exercise, which involves pushing the body out of the sitting position. Perform a squat, dropping down to a right angle in the knees, and then jump out of this position. A minimum of time must leave for the landing. By increasing the amplitude of squats, you can load many muscles. It is recommended to train at this rate: 15 sit-ups 4 min. break and another circle.
  3. Rise on the toes. This exercise will develop calf muscles . Stand on some high ground on the edge, even a board will do. Lower and rise on the toes, feeling the stretching of the muscles. It is important to feel a burning sensation during the lifting. Movements should be smooth, as jerks can cause injury. You need to do it 20-30 times. To increase the effect, add burdens, for example, taking dumbbells.

To improve the performance it is recommended to visit the gym regularly. To determine progress, it is worth every month to celebrate your results.