Nutrition for breast cancer

Scientists found that nutrition is essential in the development of breast cancer. Therefore, in order to prevent, and also to improve the condition in diagnosed breast cancer and after the operation to remove the tumor, you should adhere to a certain diet.

Basic rules of nutrition in breast cancer

  1. The first requirement that is presented to the diet is the fullness and balance.
  2. You need to eat food in small amounts, but often enough. Only if this condition is met, the body can absorb the nutrients it needs.
  3. From the diet, very fatty foods and dishes cooked in a frying pan, refined foods and refractory fats should be completely excluded.
  4. All products must be fresh, free from preservatives and artificial coloring agents.
  5. Much of the diet in breast cancer should consist of plant foods, since only berries, fruits and vegetables contain the greatest amount of antioxidants that inhibit the oxidation process and ensure the intake of minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber.
  6. The most useful for this disease are any bright fruits (apricots, cranberries, pumpkins, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers). Green vegetables are no less useful. Especially useful is considered cabbage (of all kinds). For example, broccoli cabbage contains a large number of substances that cause the destruction of substances that promote the growth of cancer cells, and also has a stimulating effect on immunity. Cooked steamed broccoli has a special benefit for patients with breast cancer.
  7. Actively fighting with tumor cells such vegetables as garlic and onions (especially onion varieties with a strong odor).
  8. The chili is also considered an excellent remedy for the destruction of cancer cells.
  9. Diet for breast cancer can not do without sprouted cereals, cereals, bran, which reduce the level of estrogen , stimulate self-purification of the body and remove harmful substances from it.
  10. Of particular importance in nutrition for a given oncological disease is the use of fish (salmonids), which supplies the human body with fatty acids and easily digestible protein.
  11. The development of the tumor is inhibited by dairy and dairy products (low-fat).

Approximately the same rules of nutrition should be adhered to in the presence of fibroadenomas and cysts of the breast , which are a fertile soil for the development of breast cancer.