Ultrasound of the bladder - preparation

In itself, the study of ultrasound of the bladder is today the most effective and the same and safe way of diagnosing diseases of the excretory system.

The procedure of ultrasound of the bladder is completely painless, but since it is a complicated manipulation, it requires special preparation. This kind of research also allows you to examine the uterus together with the ovaries at the same time.

When is the ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys prescribed?

The main indications for conducting such a study are:

Preparation for the survey

Before the actual ultrasound of the bladder, a woman undergoes special training. It consists in the following. Approximately 2 hours prior to the beginning of the study, a woman is given the task of drinking about a liter of clean water. Then you can not urinate. If you can not endure, you should immediately drink water after the emptying in the same amount. This is done to ensure that the ultrasound of the bladder is complete, which allows you to clearly distinguish the contours of this organ on the monitor and easily identify the existing pathology.

There is also a second method of preparation. To do this, you must wait until the bladder is filled up spontaneously. This option is rarely used, because this kind of research is assigned to a strictly defined time and by recording. Therefore, a woman sometimes can not predict the moment when the bubble will fill itself.

If an urgent ultrasound examination of the bladder is necessary, the doctor can prescribe a diuretic that will enhance the secretion of urine, which will lead to a rapid filling of the bladder. Doctors use this method rarely. In the case where the patient, who is assigned ultrasound, suffers from a disease such as incontinence, a catheterization of the bladder is performed before it is performed.

How is the examination carried out?

Many women, after receiving a referral for a survey of this kind, are asked this question: "And how is the ultrasound of the bladder?"

To date, there are 2 ways to do this research: external and internal.

  1. At external examination it is made from the side of the front abdominal wall. If any deviations are detected during it, a more thorough examination is appointed.
  2. In the second variant of ultrasound examination is performed by penetrating either into the urethra or through the rectum.

What is ultrasound for the bladder?

After carrying out such research, as ultrasound of the bladder, preparation for which is described above, the doctor on the basis of the received data appoints the appropriate treatment.

This kind of research is an invaluable method that allows us to identify violations and abnormalities in the genitourinary system in the early stages of development.

The main diseases that can detect ultrasound of the pelvic organs can be:

  1. Urolithiasis disease. In the early stages of the disease, this disease has no manifestations, and the sick learn about it when the concrements are already formed, and the only treatment option is their removal or fragmentation.
  2. Neoplasms of organs located in the small pelvis. It is ultrasound is one of the first studies assigned with a suspicion of oncological neoplasms.