Overabundance of vitamin C

The ancient saying "in the spoon is medicine, and in the cup - poison" is actual in our time. In an effort to improve health, some people are exerting too much effort, and as a result - there is an overabundance of vitamin C. Than it is dangerous, and what is the real daily need of a person in ascorbic acid - you will learn from this article.

Overabundance of vitamin C - symptoms

If you are overdone with taking medications and you have an excess of vitamin C in your body, you will inevitably notice most of these symptoms:

Especially dangerous is the condition for pregnant women, since excess vitamin C can provoke miscarriage. Knowing what the excess of vitamins threatens, it is worth paying special attention to taking medications.

Daily requirement for vitamin C

The daily need of each person depends on its individual characteristics. For men, this figure usually ranges from 64 to 108 mg, and for women - 55-79 mg.

The maximum shock dose of vitamin C that a healthy person can take on a one-time basis at the time of an epidemic of flu or ARVI is 1200 mg per day. At the first symptoms of a cold, it is recommended to drink 100 mg of "ascorbic".

People with certain diseases, such as diabetes, also need to increase the dosage to 1 g of substance per day. However, more than 1 g is not worth using, too, since the excess of one element disrupts the whole harmoniously constructed system.

It should be noted that active smokers, who go about a batch a day, need vitamin C more than others: they should use it daily 20% more than other people. The same applies to those who are inclined to take alcohol at least once a week, especially in large doses.