What you can eat after 6?

Many women are sure that it was food that brought them after 6 pm, and not buns every lunch, not a fad for fast food and not a love for baking. However, in practice, things are often somewhat different. From this article, you will find out if you can eat after 6, how to choose a good dinner and how the weight gain process is going on.

Food after 6 pm

In fact, not to overload the internal organs, it is enough to finish dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. Therefore, unless you go to bed at 9-10 pm, dinner can and should be transferred to a slightly later time.

However, there is still some truth in this statement. The fact is that the metabolism, which helps to consume the energy received from food, decreases during the day, starting from the afternoon. Thus, the body easily absorbs a high-calorie breakfast and lunch, but fat, sweet and flour food for dinner is better to exclude: the calories that you get, the body simply does not have time to spend, and stores in the form of fat cells in problem areas.

Therefore, there are 6 after, but in moderation, and not all in a row. And do not forget to finish dinner 3-4 hours before going to bed.

What is better after 6?

Understanding the question of what can be eaten after 6, it is worth remembering what you know about the composition of the products. They all consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And proteins are used to build muscles, and they are never used for adipose tissue, but carbohydrates and fats, the calories of which the body does not have time to spend, are postponed in problem areas.

Knowing this, you can easily answer the question about what you can eat after 6. Of course, the food should be light and basically consist of proteins. Protein food is meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese , legumes, cheese, dairy products. As you know, they are best processed in combination with vegetables and herbs. Therefore, the best options for a light dinner after 6 pm are:

In other words, any combination of low-fat meat, poultry, fish and seafood with fresh, stewed or baked vegetables is quite suitable. Intensively lose weight will help a light salad with meat (in no case do not use mayonnaise - only vegetable oil and lemon juice!)