The stalk of celery is good and bad

From the stems of this plant in ancient times wreaths were made for awarding winners of sports competitions. And they were decorated with rooms, in the belief that it would bring happiness to the house and not allow evil spirits. Now this is one of the favorite plants of dieticians. You guessed it? Well, of course, this celery is one of the popular garden plants.

Celery is edible everything: both the root and the stem (petiole)? and leaves. All this is very tasty and, in the main, useful, so it's hardly worth asking what is more useful: the root or stalks of celery is a matter of taste.

How to use stalks of celery?

The root of the celery is eaten raw, fried, lettuce. From it you can make a side dish or a salad. The stem, perhaps, is even more popular. Mainly, it is used in cooking for salads and juice, but it can also be added to soup or stew. Stem celery is widely used for weight loss, giving a lasting effect. They improve metabolism and eliminate toxins, facilitating the rapid cleansing of the intestine from food debris. Yes, this method of losing weight is not fast, but it's true, because it is based on the improvement of the body.

In addition, celery contains many vitamins and minerals (manganese, potassium, calcium , phosphorus, zinc, iron, B vitamins, folic acid, vitamins A, C, E) and has a so-called negative caloric content.

The term "negative caloric value" means that the caloricity of a product is less than the calories required for its digestion. Naturally, if these foods become the basis of nutrition with a low-calorie diet, then weight loss will go quite quickly.

Recipes from the stalk celery for weight loss

There are many recipes from the stalk of celery for weight loss. Firstly, it is, of course, juice. If there are no contraindications (stomach ulcers, for example), then you should drink it on an empty stomach two or three times a day (the total amount of juice should not exceed 100 ml per day). The taste of juice for an amateur, many like it, but he has enough detractors. You can change the taste of the juice by making a mix.

Recipe 1 (for sweets)

Mix the juice of celery and apple in equal proportions. You can add a drop of honey.

Recipe 2 (very dietary)

Mix the juice of celery and cucumber. Add a few drops of lemon juice.

Recipe 3 (refined)

In two pieces of celery juice, take one part of the pineapple juice (of course, fresh, not canned).

There are many dishes from stalks of celery, these recipes can also be used for weight loss or simply for the recovery of the body.

A large bunch of celery is added to low-calorie cabbage soup. Cut sliced ​​stems can be put out with beef as a side dish. But the most important thing is, of course, salads.

Salads with a celery stalk are very tasty and can be used for weight loss. Their great variety, beginning with the exquisite Waldorf and ending with the most unpretentious.

Salad from celery, pineapple and beetroot



Pineapple and celery finely chopped and mixed. Add a little bit of grated boiled beet, flavored with lemon juice and vegetable oil. If you do not like the taste, add a little sugar powder. Put in salad bowl on salad leaves.

Salad of celery and apple



Stem celery finely chopped, the apple rubbed. Grate the apple with celery and season with lemon juice. If desired, add pineapple.

Salad from celery and boiled chicken


Cut celery and chop celery. Add chopped boiled chicken breast, grated apple , vegetable oil and lemon juice. You can also add a few cut in half cherry.

All these delicious and low-calorie salads are very useful. But, at the same time, I would like to know if they have any contraindications. After all, if the stalk of celery brings so much benefit, then I would not want to get harm from its use. Indeed, celery in large quantities is contraindicated for people with kidney stones, as it contributes to their movement. Care must be taken to those who suffer from epilepsy. Vitamin C, which is contained in celery, may not be useful for people with high acidity of gastric juice.

The use of stalks of celery for women is undeniable: they increase libido and generally have a beneficial effect on women's health. But for the same reason (active stimulating effect on the sexual sphere) celery should be used with caution in food for pregnant women, and maybe it is worth and completely abandon it.