How to wean the child from night feeding?

"How to wean the child from night feedings?" - sooner or later, every mother asks this question. The kid, unlike his mother, does not get tired of getting milk and waking up at night for pleasure. And young moms have different situations, and night feeding at some point ceases to deliver joy.

If the baby is breastfed, night feeding can last a very long time. For artificers, the time for withdrawal is earlier, some babies already 3 months are not able to disturb their mothers. Despite the fact that at what time the young mother decides to engage in weaning the child from night feeding, it will be useful for her to know some of the techniques that our great-grandmothers used.

How to wean a child at night?

There are several simple methods how to wean the child from night feeding, which is suitable for children who eat mother's milk, and for children who eat mixtures.

  1. To disaccustom the child from night feeding, it is necessary to increase the number of feedings during the day. During the daytime, the baby should receive the full volume of milk, which he usually consumes per day. Last feeding for the night should be dense.
  2. The child often eats at night, when he lacks maternal attention during the day. Often young mothers, busy with domestic chores, forget about their baby for a while. If such situations become the norm, then the baby begins to wake up more often at night and demand a breast or a bottle with a mixture. Thus, the child tries to get the mother's attention, which he lacks during the day. If the mother came to work early and was separated from the baby all day, then such a child often eats a lot at night.
  3. If the baby goes to bed much earlier than the parents, then the mother, before going to bed herself, should wake the baby and feed him. In this case, the baby will be longer and more comfortable to sleep at night and will ensure a longer rest for the mother. In extreme cases, the baby will wake up his mother one time less at night.
  4. When the child is weaned from night feeding at the age of over a year, he can be laid to sleep in another room. The best option is if he starts sleeping in another room with his older brother or sister. Thus, the attention of the child immediately switches to the study of the new situation and he quickly forgets about the night feeding. Also, with the child after a year you can talk and explain, "that there is not enough milk and nothing for the night". At this age, children are already receptive to words.

When does a child stop eating at night?

Each child is different and each time comes at a different age, when he no longer needs night feeding. But, as practice shows, often young mothers are fed by night feeding earlier than their children. According to pediatricians, before weaning the child from night feeding, it is necessary to create soft and smooth conditions for the baby. A child should not suffer from the fact that he is deprived of a nightly portion of food. You can begin to wean in 5-6 months. At this age, the baby can easily bear this deprivation. Perhaps a couple of nights, he still will not let his parents sleep peacefully, but for two weeks the child, as a rule, is weaned.

If a child sucks all night long, it rarely says that he is very hungry. As a rule, such babies can not satisfy their emotional needs during the day. This problem can occur not only in a newborn, but also in a child after the age of one. In this situation, the mother should establish communication with the child during the day - pay more attention to physical contact, games, conversation.