Rashes on the skin of children

There can be a lot of rashes on the skin of a child. In this material, we will qualify them by their origin:


Chicken pox (chicken pox)

One of the most common childhood diseases, in which skin rashes in children are blistering. It is caused by the herpes virus, transmitted by airborne droplets from person to person. The incubation period can be from two weeks to a month, and in the last days, even before the appearance of a rash, the patient can infect others. The newly appeared element of chickenpox looks like a speck, then a tubercle is formed, on the surface of which a bubble with liquid contents appears, which after a couple of days dries up to form a crust. If the crust is removed, then after it a hem may remain. Eruptions on the skin in children can be accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38 degrees, weakness, general malaise. Treatment is to prevent infection through injured skin and reduce symptoms of intoxication. Each element is greased with greenery or a solution of potassium permanganate, they give abundant drink. There are practically no repeated infections of chicken pox.


Red rashes in a child can be a symptom of measles, a viral disease that is characterized by fever, weakness, headache, eye conjunctiva damage, runny nose, and small-stalk rash on the body. Transmission of the disease the same as that of chickenpox - by airborne droplets from person to person. Children are more often ill, but an adult can get sick. Immunity after the disease is persistent. Recurve rarely.

After a ten-day incubation period, the body temperature rises to 39 ° C, weakness, malaise, coughing and reddening of the mucous membrane of the eyes. On the mucous cheeks there is a characteristic for measles symptom - small whitish spots with a red border, resembling semolina. The temperature soon drops, and again rises to high figures when the rash appears. Rashes on the skin of children are prone to fusion, can form complex figures. At the same time on the body there are always areas of normal skin. After the disappearance of the rash, brownish spots of pigmentation remain, the skin is flaky. The disease is more often treated at home during bed rest. The room is shaded, tk. the patient reacts poorly to light. Treatment is symptomatic. As a preventive measure, vaccination with live vaccine is used.

Skin eruptions in children are accompanied by scarlet fever and rubella. The rash with rubella is similar to that of measles, more often appears mainly on the child's body. Scarlet fever has a number of characteristic symptoms for her: crimson tongue, pale nasolabial triangle and others. In recent years, childhood illnesses can have an erased current or flow atypically. In these cases, even a doctor may find it difficult to distinguish one childhood disease from another.

Allergic manifestations

Allergic rashes in children are quite common. The most common cause of their appearance is food. Allergies to medicines, pets, insect bites, dust and much more can occur.


Acute hives are often caused by an insect bite, taking medication, eating a certain product. Chronic urticaria can be associated with various pathologies. This disease is characterized by the rapid appearance in children (and adults) of skin rashes in the form of numerous strongly itchy blisters of bright pink coloration. In a couple of hours, these rashes can disappear without a trace, and then reappear. If the disease becomes chronic, then the cause of its occurrence should be established. It can be chronic infections, diseases of internal organs, helminthic invasions, oncological diseases and others.


Often skin rashes in children are accompanied by diathesis, which manifests itself in children in one form or another:

Eruptions in the infant are found in the third form of diathesis, which is associated with increased sensitivity and low barrier properties of the skin and mucous membranes. Allergic form of diathesis is sick by 30-60% of children of the first years of life. The most frequent manifestations are reddening and peeling of the cheeks. There may occur diaper rash, "milk crust" on the scalp, various types of rashes. Treatment of diathesis should be comprehensive under the supervision of a pediatrician.