Ice for the face

Just by replacing the morning face wash with a piece of ice, you can significantly improve skin tone, smooth out the wrinkles and solve such problems as increased skin fatness and enlarged pores. Ice for the face - remarkable for its efficiency and simplicity, a little bit forgotten in the heyday of hardware cosmetology and molecular pharmaceutical formulas.

How does facial ice work?

Only the ice for the face, taken out of the freezer, comes into contact with the warm skin, gradually turns into thawed water. It is perfectly perceived by cells, saturating them with life-giving moisture better than any cream or mask. Simultaneously, the skin very favorably accepts all the components of the ice and absorbs them well. Is ice useful for the face? Definitely, yes! And you can achieve the desired effect for you: to nourish the skin, soften, tighten the contours of the face, slightly disinfect, remove inflammation and much more.

Low temperature and facial massage with ice causes blood flow, activates the metabolism in the cells of the epidermis, so that the skin is more quickly renewed, acquires elasticity. Externally, the action of cosmetic ice for the face is manifested by an improvement in its color and a gentle blush.

How to prepare ice for the face?

In the cosmetic shops are sold ready-made compounds for freezing, but it is much more interesting to cook them yourself. First of all, you will need natural raw materials: dried medicinal herbs and flowers or ready-made pharmacy for preparing infusions, fruits and berries for juices, as well as mineral or well-purified water. It is not advisable to prepare ice for face on ordinary tap water.

Ice face recipes are simple. Ice from herbal infusions is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of chopped grass (flowers, seeds) pour 0.5 cups of boiling water, insist until completely cooled down, filter, pour into molds or pockets for food ice and send to the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Juice from lemon, orange, grapefruit and other citrus fruits is mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio. But the cucumber, watermelon, berry juice can be frozen without diluting.

Try to pamper your skin with a variety: cook several different types of ice at once or try a new recipe each time. Remember that cosmetic ice from herbs does not lose its properties for a week, and from juices it's only 3 days.

What ice will suit your skin?

Normal skin perfectly responds to the ice for the face of herbs: mint, plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, sage, three-color violet, horsetail field. The choice is almost unlimited. Dry and sensitive skin "loves" pink petals, lime blossom, lemon balm and infusions of red berries (mountain ash, hawthorn). For oily and problematic skin, ice from the flowers of calendula, birch buds, wormwood grass and coltsfoot, chicory root, thick-leaved balanus is best suited.

Ice from chamomile for the face fits all types of skin, it has antiseptic, softening and moisturizing properties. If you are worried about acne, prepare ice for the face from chamomile with the addition of aloe juice or salted ice (1 tablespoon of salt to a glass of water). Ice from green tea - a good antioxidant, it also has a slightly astringent, tonic and tightening effect. Ice for the face of parsley seeds like dry and normal skin, with its help, you can lightly whiten freckles and pigmented spots. Bleaching properties have ice from citrus juice, strawberries, cucumber, rice broth (2 cups of unsalted water a handful of rice). And ice from milk is great for rejuvenating the face, it gives the skin tenderness and velvety, like a child. Dilute fresh milk with half mineral water and freeze, but do not store it for more than 3 days.

How to properly wipe the face with ice?

Take an ice cube and light circular movements, without pressure, lead them to the skin in the direction of the massage lines, until it completely melts. Do not stay at one point longer than 3-5 seconds - so you will cause hypothermia and skin irritation. It is also useful to wipe the neck and décolleté zone with ice.

Do not wipe: let the moisture and nutrients absorb the skin, and excess water will dry naturally. This will be the best tonic for your skin. Only some cosmetic ice packs for the face require subsequent rinsing with water (from fruit and vegetable juices, berries, aloe, salted ice).

Even better effect gives a contrasting alternation of hot and cold procedures. Wipe your face with ice immediately after the sauna, and you will feel just an instant result! Or make a compress for the face, neck, chest using a towel soaked in hot water (herbal infusion), and then massage the skin with ice for the face.