Masks for the eyes in the home - the second youth of the skin

The skin near the eyes is the most tender and vulnerable, and without proper care is able to quickly lose smoothness, elasticity, healthy color. Wrinkles, dark circles, swollen eyelids, drooping eyelids do not make the face attractive, but, on the contrary, add age, make the look tired. To correct a situation the masks for eyes in house conditions will help.

Masks under the eyes at home

An excellent option for eyelid care are systematic eye masks at home, taking into account the main problems and needs of this area of ​​the face. Unlike salon procedures and store preparations, they do not require significant financial costs, and they can even outperform them in terms of efficiency and safety. Masks from circles under the eyes at home, compositions with a nourishing and moisturizing effect, lifting mixtures, etc. it is best and most convenient to do 1-1.5 hours before bedtime 2 times a week.

To achieve the most positive result of the procedures, the following simple conditions are recommended:

Home masks from bruises under the eyes

To remove bruises under the eyes, it is recommended to make masks at home on the basis of such components as honey, potatoes, cucumber, fermented milk cottage cheese, kefir, milk, parsley. It should be added that such procedures will give results only in cases when the "blue" age is not associated with serious pathologies of the body, but is caused by such factors as fatigue, lack of sleep, stress. Otherwise, it is advisable not to hesitate to consult a doctor. Here is one of the recipes that can help with this problem.

The recipe for honey-kefir


Preparation and use

Combine liquid honey with yogurt, heat the composition to body temperature and apply to the problem area. For convenience, you can impregnate this mixture of cotton wool discs and attach them to the eyelids. The exposure time of the remedy is 20-30 minutes.

Bags under the eyes - masks in the home

The problem of puffiness, or bags under the eyes is familiar to many women. She will not keep her waiting after a sleepless night, drunk alcohol, stress. To quickly rehabilitate the appearance should use ice cubes from water or herbal infusions - just wipe them around the eyes. A further step towards skin refreshment can serve as a mask from edema under the eyes at home, cooked by express recipe.

Quick mask


Preparation and use

The resulting composition is placed in two pieces of gauze folded several times, and attached to the eyelids. Hold for about 10 minutes.

Masks around the eyes at home - recipes

Regularly applying masks at home from wrinkles around the eyes, you can significantly improve the skin condition, reduce the depth and amount of wrinkles and prevent their formation. The earlier to begin to implement such procedures, the better, because the process of skin aging begins already with about twenty-five years of age. Masks for the eyes at home are recommended to combine with another available method of maintaining the youth of the skin of the eyelids - a daily self-massage that improves blood supply and nutrition of tissues. The formulation is selected depending on the age and condition of the epidermis.

Rejuvenating mask around the eyes at home

Effective homemade anti-wrinkle masks around the eyes can be prepared from absolutely simple products found in every home: dairy products, oils (olive, corn, sea-buckthorn, etc.), teas (green, black), fruits (peach, apricot, grapes, banana, etc.), vegetables (potatoes, cucumber, cabbage, carrots, etc.), cereals, eggs, etc. All this helps to saturate skin tissues with nutrients necessary to maintain normal turgor and elasticity.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Combine all the components and delicately cover the area near the eyes, you can use a cotton swab. Wash off after half an hour.

Lifting masks for the eyes at home

For women over forty-five, eye-lifting mask around the eyes is recommended at home, which can tighten the contours of the eyelids, strengthen the elasticity of the skin, refresh and make wrinkles less noticeable. Good results are shown by the use of masks made on the basis of ordinary baker's yeast. Yeast is the source of many vitamins, trace elements and enzymes that favorably affect the dermis. Make the mixture easily by an uncomplicated method.

Yeast Mask


Preparation and use

Dilute the yeast in warmed milk until a slurry is obtained, add butter. Carefully apply the mask to the skin and hold for about 15 minutes, trying to lie still and do not move the facial muscles at this time.

Nourishing masks around the eyes at home

The skin of the eyelids needs to be fed more than the rest of the face; it is very thin, there is no fatty layer on it and there are practically no muscles, because of which the tissues often receive less than the necessary elements. Nourishing mask for the eyes at home, obtained by the recipe below, is able to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients and, with constant application, it helps maintain the beauty and youth of the eyelid skin.

Creamy mask


Preparation and use

Mixture of the listed components should be applied to the eye area for 20 minutes. Flush the product better with herbal decoction.

Moisturizing eye mask at home

If there are no expressed problems with the skin of the eyelids, it is recommended to apply eye masks one or two times a week with moisturizing effect for preventive purposes. Such compounds must certainly be used for those women who spend a lot of time in a room with dry air. A similar mask for the eyes at home can be done this way.

Cucumber mask


Preparation and use

After combining the components, hold the mass on the skin for 15 minutes.

Mask for tired eyes at home

After prolonged eye strain, for example, when working at a computer, the eyes look red, tired and swollen. In such cases, masks for eyelid eyes at home are aimed at removing traces of fatigue and rapid skin refreshment. Mask for tired eyes at home under the following recipe will suit everyone.

Curd care


Preparation and use

After connecting the components, apply on eyelids for 20 minutes.