24 weeks gestation - what happens?

At the 24th week of pregnancy, pins and stirring crumbs can not be confused with a rumbling in the tummy. The baby has grown noticeably and has become moderately mobile, and the future mother, accustomed to her new condition, can not get enough of the growing tummy and achievements of the baby.

Let's ask what else is happening to the woman and her baby at the 24th week of pregnancy.

Development of the baby at the 24th week of pregnancy

Crumbs are actively deposited subcutaneous fat, which is useful for him for thermoregulation and nutrition immediately after birth. He becomes plump and more like a tiny little man. The weight of the fetus on the 24th week of pregnancy fluctuates between 400-600 grams, with a weekly increase of 80-100 grams.

The infant's respiratory system is developing at a rapid pace: the surfactant is already beginning to be produced in the cells of the alveoli. Thanks to this, the baby born on this date has, albeit a minimal, but a chance to survive, of course, with the availability of proper medical equipment and timely rendered assistance.

Also attentive moms note that at this stage the crumb has already developed its own regime, and very often it does not coincide with my mother, which gives her some inconvenience. In addition, the child at the 24th week of pregnancy is sensitive to the emotional state of women, light directed at the tummy, well distinguishes sounds. Therefore, Mom should try to avoid stress, because fear or anxiety is transmitted to a little man and makes him worry worryingly.

Despite the fact that the baby is already big enough, he still has enough room for moms in the tummy for active activities and even somersaults.

A woman at the 24th week of pregnancy

Pain in the abdomen and lower back, heaviness in the legs, swelling, and other problems can bother her at this stage. Therefore, adhering to the regime and proper nutrition is very important. This will avoid many unpleasant sensations. For example, a balanced diet will protect against swelling and digestive problems. In addition, prevent the appearance of nausea caused by pressure of the uterus on the stomach. A full rest will have the best effect on your well-being and mood. Also, moderate loads and outdoor walks are important, which will enrich the blood with oxygen, the lack of which is fraught with hypoxia and a delay in fetal development of the fetus.

The abdomen on the 24th week of pregnancy is intensively growing, and its size increases by 1 cm every subsequent week. Uterus rises above the pub by 25 cm and squeezes all internal organs. In addition, the expectant mother can already feel light and almost painless cuts.

Normally, at the 24th week of pregnancy, the weight of the mother should increase by 4-5 kg, while an increase exceeding these figures may adversely affect the health and well-being of the woman and the baby.

Also quite normal for this period are stretch marks that appeared on the chest, hips, abdomen and itching of the skin, which appeared due to a strong stretching.

Another problem faced by future moms is swelling of the face and body. They can arise from excessive consumption of fluid that is poorly excreted from the body.

The pain in the back and lower back, which is more and more annoying to the woman at this time, is explained by the sharply increased load, the displacement of the center of gravity and the softening of the supporting ligaments.

Of course, in general, the period can be characterized as relatively calm, and the state of health of a pregnant woman is good.